Jesus, This Crap Again?

Jan 11, 2009 18:00

Somehow, my husband has convinced me that going back and finishing my two year degree is cheaper for us right now than paying back some outstanding student loans. He's probably right, and I guess I 'need' the education since I only seem to be getting so far with in my personal growth.

So, I start school again tomorrow and I am feeling very very mixed about it. Most of it's just online classes to satisfy some random person's idea of what a degree should look like. I am taking a creative writing class on campus in person with, I'm sure, a bunch of 18 year olds hoping for an easy A.

It might be awesome, and I probably shouldn't let my general hatred for the education system get in the way of my good time, but the feeling remains and I'm having a hell of a time shaking it.

In other news, I have a few things out to a couple of compainies, and I'm trying not to dismiss them just because it's taking longer to hear back than I want. I have no outstanding work and that's making me buggy. I can find my own work, of course, and I will, but contract work is just so much nicer.

I have a head full of romantic stories. I don't usually, and so it's strange to me. Maybe I'm in heat.

On that note,


Originally published at In Other Words.


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