I'm excited to say White Wolf has released some new titles I can name. World of Darkness Immortals has been announced, I wrote for that!
I'll also be doing two (yeah, two!) short SASs that go along with an upcoming Hunter title, it is way awesome. Nothing more on that, yet.
I feel like this is all writing progress, at least in that it's paying some bills.
That said, I'm thrilled to be working on Nano this year because it is writing for me. I'll have more thoughts on that as I go, but my goal this year is for consistant writing. I know I can churn out huge word counts in a small amount of time. At this point I need to get better at writing those magical 2,000 a day. So, starting all that silliness off, here's
someone else's advice on how to write. Luckily, he's really cute!