Once every few years, I start thinking about getting back on the (writing) horse; sometimes, I'm even inspired (not to mention daunted, scared, and overwhelmed) by the idea of actually doing it. However, I think that this time, I'm going to jump right in there and just do it.
That's right, just call me indecisive girl.
As I mentioned previously, I haven't given up writing completely; I just haven't been focusing on any "independent" projects. Mostly because I like RPs and I like collaborative writing. I enjoy those immensely and have no desire to give them up. I realized, just now as I was writing this, that I like the interaction, the connecting with others even if it's on a "writing" level. (And many of the people I met on one of my RPs are now 'net friends whom I talk to about things above and beyond said RPs and tv shows, etc.) I work 40 hours per week, and have a family that demands my attention when I'm not working. The "creative" interaction just isn't there except in the form of RPs and collaborative writing.
On the other hand, I want to flex my muscles and get back to the grind of writing outside of RPs. RPs are a hobby and (contrary to what might be popular belief) a way to exercise my writing skill and keep it sharp. It's also fun . . . when it happens regularly and consistently. Unfortunately, it hasn't lately. Lack of consistency and regular responsiveness has not been good for me. I'm a card-carrying member of the Short Attention Span Theatre Club, and if too much time passes (in that sort of collaborative environment) I get bored and distracted; by the time there is a response, my thoughts have moved onto other things.
I'm not pointing fingers or blaming people. Other people have other pursuits, and I think it's a sign that I should look to flex my skills other places and do other things.
Again, I'm not giving up the RPs. However, I'm going to be more dedicated when posting and writing in those environments. I've gotten sloppy with my writing there and I'm not sure why. My writing should always be my best effort and in some cases, it really hasn't been at all. That's going to change as of today; today, the writing goes back to fine-edged and sharp. I'll take my time, I'll take care and put in effort. It doesn't mean my attention won't waver when/if it takes too long for a response; it does mean that my responses (whenever made) will be a better and higher class of writing than I've been putting forth so far.
Collaborative writing I'm also sticking with. It really helps to have someone to work with, to have that feeling of constant give-and-take and sharing. For me, it makes the words come faster and it makes me willing to drum up the words and the energy to write. Sharing is fun! (Boy, that sounds like a pre-school program, doesn't it?)
Next up: I have a long-languishing fan fic that I am going to finish. I mean that. It's a crossover (duh!) between Stargate SG-1 and The Tomorrow People. The problem is that I need to go back and figure out where my plot was going and where it should be going. I'll be the first to admit that I'm terrible at plotting, so any comms, blogs, sites, etc that help with that would be wonderful. (And shameless begging - anyone who wants to be my sounding board and let me bounce ideas off of them, and would be willing to tell me "yeah that works," or "No, Michele that's total crap, why do you even think that way?" would have my eternal gratification.)
And finally: I'm not going to tell a lie and say that I'm going to start with short stories. I don't like reading them, so I'm not going to torture myself writing one. I have several ideas for novels (sort of kinda piecemeal ideas that need to be sharpened and ironed out -- see note above about being horrible at plotting) and would like to focus on one of them. I know that short stories is the "foot in the door," but unless I find a way to enjoy writing them (or find a way to write short plots that aren't all encompassing) it won't be happening.
I don't really have any specific plan of attack. I'm not going to set any wild goals. Between work, husband, The Girl, and those sorts of obligations, I don't want to put myself in a place where I get discouraged if I'm not making my goal. Though if anyone has any advice or can help with organization and goal setting, I'm all ears for that too.