Because I need to update and at least let people know that I'm still alive.
So, here's the guess the line meme stolen from a number of people:
Guess which fic these lines were taken from:
- "Men built the pyramids, kid. You'd be amazed at the amount of motivation a whip can provide." - "Ancient History," guessed by ladyslvr
- Then she was gone, the familiar patter of her feet echoing as she raced down the stairs.
- Richie smiled, returning the affectionate gesture. "Let’s get out of here
before Daddy wakes up."
- "People usually talk about their friends and don't ask other people's Watchers to keep secrets from them."
- When he kisses her the elephant disappears.
- She seemed strong, like she had it all together, but then she ended up in LA, barely holding it together and trying to be something that she wasn’t.
- Richie glanced from one to the other. "That's rude. Stop it."
- There is silence while he sits and drinks, although he really doesn't want the espresso because the thought of having a caffeine twitch while meeting with the President frightens him more than the possibility of having been followed and found out.
- "Sometimes it's almost like you can remember something, but it's not quite your memory."
- Evelyn greeted me with more words that I was loathe to hear, "You have an eight o' clock."