May 01, 2006 11:17
Did I even have a weekend? It felt like I blinked and it was over. It's not like the weekend passed in a drug induced haze. That'd be near impossible since I don't do that, though there was one part where I wish I did.
I had to get up early Sat. to get blood drawn for some tests. After a long wait, I was told that they needed 4 viles filled. I'm thinking "No problem. I've given blood before and I'm normally quick."
6 times. That's how many times they needed to stick me to get the 4 viles. 6 friggen times!
I went through 3 technicians. I've never had this problem before. They'd start to get blood from me and then I'd heal up and they couldn't get any more blood. I was like Wolverine, healing as fast as they poked me.
Afterwrds, I studied then went to a classmates house and we took the Oracle 9i SQL Certification exam. After an hour and a half, I finished the test and passed. One down, 3 more to go to get OCP certified. That night I celebrated with some friends. We ended up drinking and watching the 1986 masterpiece - "Big Trouble in Little China". This was the point where I wished I did drugs.
How can anyone seriously watch this movie. I wanted to mock it like MST3K, but the host forbid most of my comments. Cock-sucker. Then again, he had great couches and an amazing TV - so I just drank and made fun where I could.
Incidentally, Kim Cattrall is in this movie. You remember her, right? She's the grandma sex fiend on the "hit" (and I use that term lightly) show "Sex and the City". I just couldn't believe that she was in this horrible movie, and that her career only went down from there. She should have fired her manager.
I spent Sunday exhausting myself with chores. I first started with 7 miles on the bike, then edged, trimmed, and mowed my property, followed by washing and waxing the corvette. I started at like 10:30 and finished by 3. By 3:30, I had to take a nap for 2 hours just to get some strength to relax for the rest of the night.
Yeah, it's a hard knock life.
I hear now that they won't be able to bring the new Maximo expert in on the 15th, so it looks like I'm the guy for now. My boss says he's going to try to get me some extra cash to go with the extra work I recieved, but I'm not holding my breath. I just remember what company employes me and get my answer there.