I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it.

Oct 11, 2006 10:29

Earlier this week, North Korea supposedly detonated a nuke.  They claim to have done it and are pushing for a second test but there are a few places that say it may not have happened (geological science stuff).  Regardless, lets take them at their word and say that they have.

First thing you should do - Don't listen to most Democrats on this issue.

They'll come out and say stuff like "Oh, this is because Bush failed.  He should have had talks with them."

For those that don't know - The Bush administration wanted to talk with N. Korea, just not one on one.  The were pushing for the 6 party talks being held in China.

Yet if they did engage in two party talks and N. Korea still tested their nuke - Democrats would have cried out that Bush should have engaged in 6 party talks and that we shouldn't do it alone and everyone hates us.

Ask yourself one question - why would North Korea want one on on talks with the U.S.?  Answer - because it's easier for them to get money out of us.  It's a little harder when 4 other nations are involved, especially if those 3 of those countries are against N. Korea.  China doesn't count right now seeing as how they are a close ally but even they were pissed at the test.

Even if we did give them money - they'd still pursue nuclear weapons.  Plain and simple.  You think the Democrats would do a better job?  If you do - then check out this ad that you can view from the Drudge Report.  Check it out here.  It was created by David Zucker, who also made The Naked Gun and Airplane movies, so it has that kind of humor.

Think voting for a Republican is a vote for failure?  Think again!

Oh, and a hell of a lot more Republicans want to see The Fairtax get passed than the Democrats.
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