Jun 29, 2010 15:34
Okej.. now I have a BIG problem.. xD
Okej.. not a REALLY big broblem but still.. I want the "To be Free" single and it's totally Nino's fault (-_-') xD
Haha, but I really, I just watched a subbed preview of their new PV and when I heard Nino sing a certain part of the song my heart just.. stopped XD OMG, I don't want to buy more stuff now.. it's expencive and I don't have all that much money.. but I need it xD And their new album.. I need that too... and KAT-TUN's NO MORE PAIN CD... oh.. and I haven't eaven gotten my latest order from Yesasia yet xD But the thing that I really need to have for now is the "To Be Free" single.. xD
Oh, Nino, what have you done?? Is it just because it's still your month? You're not even my ichiban.. It should be Ohno that makes me want to buy things.. but NO... I WANT THIS NOW.. and their PV looks really good too.. not what I expected but still, they all look really good xD
Ok.. to fan-girl Johnny's is an expencive hobby..
But now I need to go and brush my teeth becuase I'm going to the dentist xD
Bye~ (^_^)-v