my LJ post

Feb 11, 2009 10:02

It's been brought to my attention that it's etiquette here on the LJ to make an entry about how i'm not going to make entries. I don't get this, but then i'm ten years late to the party . The only reason i signed up for the LJ is to read other's journals. As people's entries become topic of conversation more and more i figured it was time. Besides i'm sure it gets annoying having to copy and paste at me to keep me up to speed. Who knows, maybe as time goes on i might start posting more, but right now with the tiny amount of friends i have on here i don't see the need. As i said i'm ten years late to this thing so if there is anything i should know about or be doing on here let me know, also anybody i should be friends with or groups i should follow point me at them.

Edit: Does anybody know why the subject of this is a bunch of odd characters?

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