Q is for Quintessential, by Tallulah Rasa (PG)

Apr 29, 2015 12:54

Rec Category: Daniel Jackson
Categories: Oma, episode related, character study
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: tallulah_rasa
Author's Website: Tallulah Rasa at AO3
Link: Q is for Quintessential

Why This Must Be Read: A (literally) delicious slice of friendship between Oma and Daniel, complete with snark, disagreement, and sparkling characterization. A real joy!

“He saw me,” Daniel said. He carefully cut a waffle into precise sections, and then looked up. “Jack. He saw me.”

Oma nodded.

"The others…never have. Is there a reason…?”

“If you know the window is open, then you are more likely to feel the breeze,” Oma said after a moment.

Daniel narrowed his eyes and put down his fork. “You just say those things to make me crazy, don’t you?”

Oma shrugged. She gestured at the table and two cups of coffee appeared, wreathed in tendrils of fragrant steam. Oma poured some cream into the cup closest to her. “When the sky is dark, only the dreamer sees stars,” she said.

Daniel’s eyebrows went up and down a few times. “And when the syrup is empty,” he said solemnly, holding the bottle upside down, “the archeologist must find more.”

character: oma, episode related, character: daniel jackson, character study, era: season 6

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