Rec Category: Sam
Categories: multiple friendships, multiple seasons, five things
Warnings: none
Author on LJ:
missparkerAuthor's Website:
missparker at AO3Link:
Only Held by Gravity Why This Must Be Read: This is a fic of joy -- Sam's friendship and closeness with each member of her team in turn, plus Jacob. Vala and Jack are the only ones missing here (and from the summary, Jack's omission seems deliberate, although a casual reference to that friendship is also included.) But you'll love the way each aspect of Sam is highlighted by her various friendships, and it will be impossible to read this without a smile on your face.
Teal'c doesn't know anything about Earth, about living in such a complex society, about surviving in a way that does not require carrying a weapon. Sam asks the general for permission to falsify some documents and then, when Teal'c gets permission to go topside, takes him into town. Together they open a bank account. She has to co-sign with him, but that's just fine. He'll get a debit card and a checkbook. On the computer, she shows him how she set his paychecks to directly deposit and how he can always see what his balance is.
She shows him how to order things online and have them delivered to her address. She'll happily bring them to him on base.