He believes in beauty.

Nov 10, 2004 12:03

So I'm supposed to babysit today. Here. At my house.

What the hell am I supposed to do with kids here?! Best I can come up with is sit them on the couch, stick a cat in each lap, stuff them full of brownies and make them watch Harry Potter. Meanwhile I will be trying to concentrate on French and praying they behave.

Mom bought me a nice duvet. Very warm and snuggly, but behold, I need a cover for it. Willow seems to be enjoying it as is.

Seeds of Time (my geek out of the moment - a Harry Potter time travel rpg) seems to be going well. KD just applied for a second character this morning (Ron, in addition to Peter who she already played). I'm happy about that, though we do still need a Neville. I really wish people would start applying for the less developed canon characters. Mandi is my hero for taking on Marlene Mckinnon who I now love and adore right down to the PB (Sarah Polley) who is cute and just works so well for her character.

So now I'm contemplating going downstairs and binging on chocolate, and do I want to cross-post this to greatestjournal? Probably, because I am lazy.
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