Smile Like You Mean It

Nov 16, 2004 19:09

Ok, sick sick sick. I want the sick to end. Go away. Yes. GO AWAY.

I also want someone to throw themselves at me going "LIEK OMG YOUR DRACO SOUNDS LIKE THE SHIT JOIN MY GAME!" Ok maybe not quite like that because if they did I'd be likely to become very scared and then block them forever - but you get the basic idea. I'm tired of games going on about how canon they are and then . . . not being canon. Especially if it's something like a post Hogwarts game set ten years from their graduation. A lot can happen in 10 years to affect one's character and I want to dick around with that. Maybe Draco wasn't a deatheater OR a spy. Maybe Draco said "fuck this" and got a job in a bookstore. Ok maybe not a bookstore - he likes to be the center of attention but hey, who wants to put up with Lucius Malfoy any longer than they have to? Maybe he's a WWN announcer. Point is you can play a character true to their personality and have them do something unexpected. It's called CREATIVITY people. Go with it. If you want canon read the damn books, you can't have a canon game because the game isn't being written by JKR. Hence the term "fanon".

I need to stop bitching and grouching but honestly, everything is making me bitchy and grouchy. I think I'll go away now and die my snotty death in peace while I wait for Sarah to come back online.

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