
Jan 08, 2005 20:26

So it has been an interesting break, I haven't really gotten to do much, which was what I was afraid of when I came home. It always happens, I know why I love school so much now. I can't remeber the last time I updated so I will let you know how my whole holiday season has been, even if you don't care you still have to listen. hehe.

I came home from finals feeling good that I was done with finals and home and had time to rest. Which was really nice. Can I tell you how much I love being able to sleep. It is amazing. I did work a lot over break, but not in the beginning, becuase it was mostly xmas break then. I am hoping to make some good money over break so I have some to have while I am at school over spring semester.

Christmas was a good time, we went to family friends the night before and ate lots of food, but it wasn't anything special. Christmas day my lil cousin came over and had a blast opening his presents. Then on the weekend, my sisters, my mom, and I went to go see my grandparents in Easton. They are doing pretty good, my grandfather is so funny, he picks on my grandmother all the time and talks about her. hehe They are so cute. We had a nice lunch with them, but the car ride was not fun, becasue Jen was pissed off, becasue Ross picked up her cell phone and cracked the screen (bad dog ) hehe.

New Year's Eve was a good night too, my sister had her friends out to our cabin and I hung out with all of them. We played catch phrase, which I have to tell you I am going to get as soon as I can find it somewhere. We also had my mom playing the drinking game "Kings" with us. It was great. I am proud of her.

The rest of my break has been either filled with nothing or working. I mean it is nice to have work and be making money, but I really want to be doing other things like going to see my good friends and hanging out with everyone. I miss everyone from school and from camp and I wish I could go see them more often, there are some things I would like to figure out to with those ppl, but it won't happen.

Why are some things in life so hard to understand and get to. I wish I could just have what I wanted and be able to say what I wanted to people so they knew exactly how I felt.

There is a part of me that is looking forward to going back to school, but then there is another that is dreading it because I don't want to deal with certain ppl and also I don't want to deal with my fighting friends. I do miss everyone from school and can't wait to see them though.

I know this summer is also going to be fun, becasue I am going to make it that way. I have a car for a reason and I plan on using it to the fullest advantage.

Some lyrics for you:

If you would only listen you might just realize what you're missing you're missing me.
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