CG, "Diabolical"

Jul 28, 2009 15:27

A valiant knight defends Kallen from a considerably less valiant knight. She didn't need any defending, thanks, but her champion's upset touches a chord in her.
Contains Luciano being creepy and a slightly expanded version of the canon scene. Written with 30_romances prompt "4. Diabolical ; Highest order" in mind.

"Picking on an unarmed girl is below even you," the blond knight said, smiling, or smirking. Kallen heard Nunnally whisper Sir Weinberg hopefully.

She only really knew the name from briefings, but she remembered him from the Chinese Federation dinner. That smile was easier then, although he'd remained alertly focused on the chess match the way they all had, and he had come to comfort Nina when she collapsed.

(Kallen remembered thinking, so not everyone in the Britannian army is fucking heartless)

She was a little grateful for his presence. She wasn't afraid of much, but psychopaths were on the list. The Vampire of Britannia leering at her from the wrong side of a cage, slyly insinuating that he could do anything to her as long as he kept her alive -- that was one of those things. Nunnally's presence wouldn't stop someone as crazy as Luciano Bradley. Kallen had been ready for anything. He could come in, make a grab for her, pull out the knives she knew he was carrying. She was weaponless, but not dead, and if he got in her territory she could fight back, maybe even escape...

But the blond knight was unexpected.

"Fancy words, for someone who's only here on his family name," Bradley drawled.

"That's funny. I didn't think the Knights of the Round were the kind of group that would let someone in on family name alone."

The knight was still smiling, but the challenge was clear. You want to try me?

The air was tense. Kallen and Nunnally were both waiting to see what Bradley would do, but for some reason the renowned Vampire backed down. He said, dismissive, "I don't have time to play with spoiled rich brats," and stalked back across the bridge.

They passed each other without so much as a glance, and then the blond knight was standing in front of the cage. "Sorry you had to meet with someone like that. I didn't think Bradley was deranged enough to think harassing prisoners was acceptable." He was calm and smiling, but there was cold fury in his calm gaze and ugly smile.

He really didn't like Bradley. Good for him. "Hey!" Kallen said sharply, frowning, and pressed a hand to the barrier to catch his attention; "Hey."

His gaze settled on her. "Yeah?" he said. The set of his mouth shifted, easing into a smaller smile, reluctant but genuine.

Kallen tossed her head, forcing back the wisps of hair that had fallen in front of her face. She said, "Forget about that creepy fucker. I could've handled him." Then she added, "Sorry, Nunnally," as the girl's chair glided up to the cage.

Surprised, the blond knight laughed. "I'm sure you could have."

"What's your name?" Kallen asked him.

He smiled, the dark moment past now. "Gino Weinberg," he said, bowing extravagantly. "Knight of Three, pilot of--"

"Tristan, that dorky-looking KMF," she interrupted. "Right."


She would remember his name. Another of Zero's enemies -- even if not an enemy of the innocent, the way so many Britannians were.

kallen, !code geass, :gino/kallen, gino

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