Xenogears: 30_romances

Dec 08, 2005 00:30

021: the devil's advocate
"I'm going back to Aquvy with Prim."

Bart tightened his arms around the slim young man as if a thick enough embrace would hold him in place forever. Billy's weight was negligible draped over his chest, as if a whimsical breath could blow him away, leaving only mocking laughter behind. "When?"

"Tomorrow, maybe." There was nothing holding him to the Yggdrasil any longer. "The day after."

That indecisiveness, that hesitant delay gave him hope yet. "Can I play devil's advocate?" Bart said, only half-teasing.

"No," said Billy. "You are my devil's advocate. You are all the reasons why I shouldn't."

Shouldn't do this, shouldn't stay here, shouldn't give in to the inevitable... Bart smiled and shifted, bringing Billy higher against him, and snaking up to claim a kiss that was rightfully his.

022: shadow, flame, footfall
There was a reverent darkness in the Nisan Cathedral. Billy recognized in it the hush of true believers, although such respect had rarely matched his experiences in the Ethos HQ. Pragmatism he had known there, consideration he had known there, and even mercy he had known there... but never this quiet awe, this deep belief.

Candles, gentle beacons in the vast chamber, seemed to urge him within. They promised him a spiritual ease in the darkness.

Nothing was easy in life. Religions had lied to him with that siren's voice before. Billy hung back, nervous, until firmer footsteps turned his head. Darkness and candlelight bronzed Bart's already tan skin, darkening the brilliant turquoise of his good eye.

"You ready?" he said, not asking why the young priest hovered in the entrance. "Let's go find where Margie's taken off to so we can get back to the ship."

Billy nodded and followed him in. The silence was different with Bart around: he commanded it.

035: photo
"Looks like Jessie's not home," Bart observed, and Billy murmured, "That's a shame." Even he didn't know if that was sarcasm or not.

He stepped into the little apartment and Bart shut the door on curious spectators. "People from Shevat have been up in the air for so long they could use an Old Maison to remind them of their manners," the blond observed.

"They probably think we're burglars," Billy said grimly, but on his second step into the apartment his eye fell on the photograph on the desk just inside.

He almost didn't recognize his father, who in the picture was young and stunningly handsome: smooth tanned skin, soft dark eys, and attractive, even features that bore no resemblance to his current appearance. And the expression on his face...

"Hey," Bart chuckled, peering over his shoulder. "Who woulda thought Jessie could actually look like a dad?"

Was that really Billy, beaming as he squirmed happily in his father's arms? Was that really Jessie, with that soft, adoring gaze focused on his son?

"That was back when you were his boy, though," Bart mused. His arms slipped around Billy's waist and lips bent to shiver over his skin. "Now you're mine."

:bart/billy, ::slash, !!30_romances, bart, billy, !xenogears

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