Chemistry I: A
Precalculus with Trigonometry: A
Personal Stress and Stress Management: A
Next semester (starts May 22nd):
Biology I
Chemistry II
On Sunday, I have to go to a family party unless someone rescues me. So, if anyone is interested, let me know. Of particular interest to me is the Langley Air Show in Hampton--one of the SPACE SHUTTLES is there, and being able to see it would so totally rock.
Monday and Tuesday: No plans. Anyone care to change that?
Wednesday: Pre-op appointment/labwork in the morning, afternoon with grandfather.
Thursday: Surgery--pilonidal cyst removal. I've been told that I should expect to spend a week in bed.
So, here follows the reading list for that...
Arnold J. Toynbee's A Study of History: Volume One is in my possession now, and I'm working on it. It's out of print, except in abridgement, but the TCC library has the whole set, and it's, like, 40+ years old. But DAMN, SO GOOD.
visservoldemort, you should read this. NOW.
Edward Gibbons' The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Again, Volume I, which is 900+ pages by itself. Most editions available today are abridgements, sadly. TCC library, again, has an old unabridged copy. In PermaBound. One for
Winston Churchill's A History of the English-Speaking People: Again, Volume I, The Birth of Britain. This one, I see equal numbers of abridgements and full versions. Won a Nobel Prize. For all the Anglophiles on my f-list, but
elspethdixon in particular.
William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: Reading J.N. Stroyar's books (
The Children's War and
A Change of Regime, recommended to EVERYONE) has generated in me an interest in this time period. This is regarded to be the authoritative work on the subject. I anticipate some hard reading, but I also expect to be well-informed by the end of it, which is my intention.
I may post The Beautiful Sky: Chapter Two this week, in order to make
hpsb_prophet. Keep your eyes open.