My back hurts...just FYI...

Aug 15, 2005 08:51

Ahh well, I'm kinda bored, but I thought I'd update and see what's new with my homies.I dunno if Nick will read this or not, (found out he has a livejournal! I love it when my friends have livejournals!!! Down with Myspace!!) But if you do, then Nick, you seemed kinda down last night, perhaps I am wrong, so this will be just a random comment, but just so's you know, if you ever want to vent or chat or anything, I'm free most everyday!
(RANDOM COMMENT! HOLY CRAP, TOMMY LEE IS FRIGGIN TALL!! Sorry, I'm watching the telly, and he's on promoting something or something)
Okay, so I turned in my my application to Urbane Zen yesterday, but it doesn't look too promising, ah well, I'll just take my talents somewhere else!!!! They obviously don't know what they are missing out on! Yesh...that's it!
Okay, so I copied this thing and was waiting for a slow news day to bring it out. I am really into astrology and stuff, I mean I don't really believe that it's all true etc, but I think that the stars have a little to do with who we are and why we do things. So here is a description of Gemini. Does anyone think it sounds like me?

gemini is the sign of the twins, said always to be searching a little wistfully for the ideal friend or partner, eternally optimistic that tomorrow will bring something exciting, different and new. you are a great pal to talk with, because you're so stimulating and interesting. you are sometimes described as dual natured, two-faced even, but maybe that's not entirely fair. you adapt to the mood of the moment and will always genuinely be able to understand what someone's saying.
the classic gemini scoots through life with a wide open mind and somehow manages to forget to grow old and stodgy.
gemini is the eternal youth, and has a sharp witty intellect that never diminishes.
Lily savage owes her razor-sharp tongue to her creator, paul o'grady. these people never seem to lose their ability to sparkle and be marvelous fun. every gathering needs a gemini, because you are the one who gets everyone talking.
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