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Jun 27, 2005 19:10

The Rizzle n Fall of Communism

Although tha idea of Communism, a society wit no social class n substantial money, sounds hatin' it is virtually impossible ta act upon . Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. Many powerful leada have attempted ta revolutionize they nation ta this economic system n hizzy undoubtedly failed . Holla!. Benito Mussolini once said, “…[the people] do not know what is bizzay fo` them… Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.” Communism, mizzuch like wizzle Mussolini said, is beautiful in theory, cracka it will eventually result in failure . Wussup to all my niggaz in the house.
Communism is one of tha most controvizzles systems ta exist cuz this is how we do it. It was bizzle in tha mind of a rappa n a revolutionary named K-to-tha-izzarl Mizzy . Bounce wit me. In 1848 he published “The Communist Manifizzles which sparked copious revolizzles throughout Europe. In “The Communist Manifizzle Mizzy states thiznat Feudalism allowed thugz ta own land n own thugz (slavery), cruisin' ta tha extremes of tha poor n tha rizzle. Witout tha pizzle ho-slappin' fo` tha R-to-tha-izzich, tha poor could not obtain land or food. In Capitizzles (which emerged F-R-to-tha-izzom Feudalism), there were two classes, tha bourgeoisie (izzle nigga n tha proletizzle (the sippin' class) like this and like that and like this and uh. Miznarx claimed tizzy hard labor should eventually lead ta wealth with the S-N-double-O-P. Howeva, it was clear tizzle tha proletizzles wizzle ridin' far less money thizzay tha bourgeoisie. Coz of this unequal distribizzles of profits Capitizzles frequently found itself in a Depression; tha proletizzle were not mak'n enough money ta purchase wizzy they produce n shit. Marx, in favor of tha proletizzle thought of a system tizzy would eliminate all social class n property ta be owned by a whole community brotha thiznan a single person . Im crazy, you can't phase me.
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