Aug 29, 2004 02:33
God, how I hope that my tap-tap-taping of keys doesn't wake my roommate up in our first night in the same room.
But, whatever, I'm inspired -- or rather, provoked to write this.
To write a long line about my inability to combine appearance and my reality.
In high school, one of my teachers had a poster that said, 'You only are who you really are when you think that no one is looking.' Which I've always thought is total bullshit. "You are who you are when you think everyone is looking," I mantain. but i hope that the poster-printer is right. and not me.
There is a terrible and mounting incongruency between the way I seem and the way I feel. I just can't seem to figure out: does the you create your appearance or vice versa? Because I am forever hearing, "Oh, you're totally not how I thought you'd be." or, 'you totally don't look the way I expected you to.' depending...
Know this: I am a male sparrow. I sing my song, and dance with my flashy colors while my mate tends the nest.
so. YOU. tell me how to act or dress. or think. should I tear out my tail feathers and cry, or live solely for the song and dance?
tell me, tell me.
so I might make sense to someone, somewhere.
or, so at least I can figure out who I am and where I'm supposed to go.
but i didn't see that the joke was on me