(no subject)

May 17, 2005 19:27

I take my face off the floor and what happenns. Surronded by the enenmy there is no hope in this battle. They are as numerous as grains of sand. I cry out to the name of my God and he hands me a sword. If I stay where I am I will fall if I stand I will fall so I hit my face sword in hand. The postion of a warrior is not standing but on his face. Pray your heart out.

The next cross chruch prayer meeting dubbed "Battle" will meet on Friday May 27th at 6:00 same place. If you have a job get to it. I will most likely talk to you in person. Have any questions email me at sozo.2003@gmail.com

"None of us liveth unto himself"
Inscription on membership proof to the Honorble Order of the Mustard Seed
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