
Jan 23, 2013 20:48

I am a fangirl. Always have been.

Basically, I guess that means that I'm a day dreamer. I can delve into my inner dream scape and stay there for hours and hours. I like that very much. I'm not so sure people around me like it all that much.

I am also a mom, a wife and I have a job, dogs, a cat and what ever else my kids fancy, such as bunnies, guineapigs, lizards, fish... You name it - we got it.

Currently I am spending a lot of time fangirling over Spike. Spike this, Spike that, Spike you name it. I fangirl over the actor too but not too much. I don't think he is perfect and I will probably not go to meet him in the future.

Still, it's been quite a lot of fun to be a part of Spike's fandom so far.

First of all, there is a ton of great fanfics out there. It's so amazing.

And secondly, a lot of the fans are very friendly. Some of the fanfic authors are simply BRILLIANT as are some of the real life photographers. I'm constantly entertained these days and I have been for a couple of years now. Scary how time flies when you are dreaming fun.

spike, fandom
