
Oct 28, 2009 16:26

Out of Character Information

player name: Ceri
player livejournal: Ceriene
playing in scorched: None.
are you 16 years of age or older?: Yes.

In Character Information

character name: Sora.
canon source and the point from which they're taken: Kingdom Hearts // Taken immediately after Kingdom Hearts II, after the scene during which Riku, Sora and Kairi read the King’s message in a bottle.
character's age: Fourteen at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts, fifteen around the time of Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II, so I’d assume, by the time Kingdom Hearts II was over, Sora is about sixteen.

canon powers, skills, pets and equipment:
Being the Keyblade master, Sora possesses the ability to summon a weapon called the Keyblade, which essentially a giant key with the ability to free hearts from creatures called Heartless. Having spent the past two years fighting heartless and various other enemies that he happened across, not to mention the swordfights he had against Riku and his other friends back on Destiny Islands, Sora is an accomplished wielder of a keyblade, able to attack in a flurry of strikes, both aerial and on the ground. While he’s fast, he relies heavily on the sheer power of his strikes, as well as his stamina to string a number of attacks together. He’s agile, able to recover from blows that send him flying, as well as capable of dodging and blocking oncoming blows. Thanks to visiting numerous worlds, he has both fast reflexes and unusual abilities taken from the worlds he’s visited (ie: gliding and jumping higher than the average person would be able to). He is also capable of basic magic, such as curative spells, and element-based magic (Fire, Ice and Thunder/Lightning). He also has relative control over the element of Light, though not nearly as much so as his Nobody, Roxas. Instead, his power over light only shows itself in the arcs his keyblade makes when he attacks or occasionally surrounding him as an orb during a string of attacks.

He also gains extra power in what is known as his Drive Forms. He is able to access them by fusing with his friends such as Donald (Wisdom Form- a form that has control over powerful magic, but lacks normal attacking abilities), Goofy (Valor Form- a form that lacks power over magic, but gives Sora great strength and agility as he attacks his opponents with two keyblades) or both (Master Form- a form that grants mastery over powerful magic and powerful, agile attacks). He also garners new abilities and powers when Roxas- his nobody, essentially half of Sora- returns to him in his Final Form where his power nearly doubles. In Final Form, Sora doesn’t walk or run, but rather floats. He doesn’t hold his two keyblades, but rather, they float behind him, attacking at his command. His last form, Anti-form, appears depending on how many Drive points he has. Anti-form is essentially Sora as a heartless. He has no control over his actions in this form, attacking his opponents even as he takes large amounts of damage, not stopping until his opponents are defeated. However, since he is arriving in Anatole on his own and without Donald or Goofy, or Roxas within him, it is safe to assume that he won’t have access to any of these drive forms.

non-canon powers:
I think Sora has more than enough canon powers, even without his Drive Forms or his magic. If you’d rather take away the powers he has in canon, and have me replace them with non-canon powers, just let me know. (b’-‘)b

canon history:
Sora grew up on Destiny Islands with his best friend and rival, Riku. One day, a girl named Kairi arrived on the island, with no memory of her origins, and was soon adopted by the town’s mayor. Riku and Sora quickly befriended her, and the three grew closer as they grew up together. Though as they grew, Sora and Riku grew curious about what lay beyond their island home and they began to construct a raft that would take the three of them away from there. But before they could leave in their finished raft, a huge storm shakes the island, filling it with darkness. As strange creatures began appearing all over the islands, Sora summoned the keyblade for the first time in order to defeat them. After fighting a giant heartless, Sora was pulled into a dark corridor, which landed him in another world altogether.

Upon arriving there, with nothing but the strange key he was holding, Sora encountered a man named Leon, who recognized the keyblade and challenged him to a fight. He was then taken to one of the hideouts of the Traverse Town Resistance, and there, Leon and Yuffie explained to him what the darkness was, the nature of the heartless and the role he played as the Keybearer. From there on, he joined up with Donald and Goofy, two of the King’s men who were told to follow the Keyblade, and together they went in search of Kairi, Riku and the King who had disappeared shortly after giving Donald and Goofy their quest. Finding Riku only a little later, Sora discovered that Riku was also looking for Kairi. However, the witch Maleficent convinced Riku that Sora had betrayed him and Kairi by befriending Donald and Goofy, spurring Riku to set out to find Kairi on his own. With his two new companions, Sora journeyed through various worlds, fighting heartless, making friends with the inhabitants of each world, and locking the ‘Keyhole’ of each world to stop the flow of darkness into them.

But when Sora reached Hollow Bastion, Riku confronted him and took the keyblade from him. Bound by their instructions from the king, Donald and Goofy abandoned Sora so that they could continue following the keyblade. Though he was tempted to give up, Sora followed after them, fighting with a wooden sword. Later, when he was about to fight Riku, Donald and Goofy returned to his side and in turn the keyblade returned to Sora, because his friends at his side gave him a greater strength of heart than Riku’s. After the fight and learning that Kairi’s heart had separated from her body and resided in his heart, Sora stabbed himself with the keyblade, in order to return Kairi’s heart to her body. By doing this, Sora turned himself into a heartless, and in turn, unknowingly created his Nobody, Roxas. Using the power of light, Kairi managed to restore Sora’s heart and he returned to his former self to protect her from a new onslaught of heartless.

Sora and his friends returned to Hollow Bastion where he convinced Kairi to stay behind as he, Donald and Goofy went to the end of the world to fight Xehanort’s Heartless, Ansem. Once defeated, Ansem called to Kingdom Hearts to fill him with the power of Darkness. Sora then declared that Kingdom Hearts was not filled with the power of darkness, but the power of light, and as the doors to Kingdom Hearts opened, Ansem is destroyed by it. Sora, Goofy and Donald hurry to close the doors to Kingdom Hearts and with the help of Riku and Mickey, they managed to close and lock it. However, this meant that Riku and Mickey were trapped on the other side. On their side, Sora and his companions set out to find Riku and Mickey once more. With the sealing of Kingdom Hearts, the worlds began to restore themselves and Sora caught sight of Kairi on an island of sand- all that was left of Destiny Islands. He promised to return to her and she promised to wait for him, before they were again separated.

Now alone with Donald and Goofy, Sora began down a wandering path until he encountered a man in a black cloak. This man told him that in order to go forward, he would lose something dear. When the man in black disappeared, only one path was left and following it, Sora and his friends found themselves at Castle Oblivion. He and his friends ventured into the castle and a Nobody named Naminé, under the orders of Organization XIII, began to manipulate his memories, replacing memories of Kairi with memories of herself. After defeating several members of Organization XIII, Sora met Naminé himself and she explained what she had done to him and the regret she felt for her actions. Sora forgave her for what she’d done, telling her that her intentions hadn’t been bad, but that she had only done it out of loneliness, so he couldn’t hate her for that. Sora told her to stay behind as he, Goofy and Donald go on to fight Marluxia, the Organization member who lorded over the castle. After Marluxia was defeated, Naminé told the trio to step into memory pods so that she could undo the damage she did. It was in these pods that Sora and his friends sleep for almost a year.

Sora was woken by Donald and Goofy when their memories were restored, but had no recollection of Naminé or the castle. They found themselves in Twilight Town, where they run into the King, who told them to board a train that took them to meet a highly esteemed wizard named Yen Sid. Yen Sid informed Sora of the nobodies and Organization XIII, a group of higher Nobodies that control the lesser nobodies to accomplish their own means. Sora’s quest this time was to find Riku and return with him to Kairi, who is waiting for them on Destiny Islands, as well as to confront the Organization XIII, who seemed to be wreaking havoc across the worlds.

With the help of the Twilight Town gang and Axel, Sora found his way to the World that Never Was, where the Organization XIII resides. There the Organization XIII were attempting to recreate Kingdom Hearts, by using all the hearts that Sora had freed by fighting Heartless with his Keyblade. Shortly after entering the World That Never Was, Sora was confronted by an Organization member, who challenged him to a fight. After being defeated, the Organization member revealed his face. Not knowing who he was, Sora continued on his way to the Castle that Never Was.

Joined by King Mickey, Sora and his friends enter the castle in search of Kairi, Riku and the Organization XIII. The first Organization member to meet them is Saix, who tells them that Kingdom Hearts only needs a few more hearts to be freed by the keyblade. He sets a horde of shadows on Sora and his friends and as they are about to be overpowered, another Organization member, Xigbar, destroyed the heartless. Appearing in front of them, Xigbar informs Sora, who he refers to as Roxas, that his time is up. Confused and angry, Sora fights him and defeats him. After Xigbar’s defeat, Sora asks him why he called him Roxas. Xigbar refuses to answer and fades away. Shortly after the battle, he finds Riku, who still looked like Ansem due to his efforts to wake Sora from his sleep in the memory pods and Kairi, who had been kidnapped from the Islands by Axel earlier on. Their group carries on to find another member of the Organization, Luxord, who traps all but Sora in cards. Sora fights him and defeats him, and his friends are released from the cards. They venture on and find Saix, staring up at the heart-shaped moon of Kingdom Hearts. Saix tells Sora that only Roxas could have come so far, angering and confusing him, leading Sora to call up his keyblade. Saix blows Riku and Kairi out of the room and fights Sora, and is defeated after a long, tenuous battle. It’s after his battle that Riku finally tells Sora that Roxas is his nobody, and that that was why the Organization members saw or percieved Sora as Roxas.

As Sora and his friends neared the top of the Castle, they met DiZ, the former ruler of Radiant Garden, Leon and Yuffie’s home world. He had been attempting to absorb Kingdom Hearts into his machine as data, before the power of Kingdom Hearts proved too powerful and the machine exploded, destroying DiZ and returning Riku to his former appearance.

At the top of the castle, Sora and his friends met the leader of Organization XIII, Xemnas. Sora fought him first on his own and then once more with his friends in Kingdom Hearts, defeating him after a long battle. After the battle, Roxas emerged from Sora to speak to Naminé and Kairi. Naminé, revealing herself to be Kairi’s nobody, then opened a door out of the World that Never Was. Naminé and Roxas assured Sora, that as long as Sora and Kairi were together, they would be too, before Naminé fused with Kairi and Roxas fused with Sora once more.

Before Sora and Riku could leave with the rest of their friends, however, they are confronted by Xemnas one last time in a final battle. After a tenuous fight, both of them were left in the Realm of Nothingness. Sora supported an injured Riku as they searched for a way out, finally coming to a stop on a beach. As they sit there, Sora found a message in a bottle, one originally written by Kairi. After reading it out loud, a door to light appeared in front of the both of them and they went through it to return to the Islands.

Upon reaching Destiny Islands, Sora and Riku are embraced by their friends. Later on, Sora asked Riku what he thought the door to light was. Riku told him that it was his heart and that it was ‘closer than he thought’. They are then interrupted by Kairi, who runs up to them and holds up a message in a bottle with the King’s insignia. Riku and Kairi crowd around Sora as he unrolls the message to read it.

Despite all the odds stacked against him as the Keybearer, Sora is an exceedingly optimistic boy (as to be expected of someone who rides in a ship powered by smiles). He simply doesn’t see the point in putting himself or others down. He’s persistent in his quest, even when things appear hopeless and he’s brave in facing down any enemy that he comes across. He’s always willing to help someone out of a tight fix, even when he doesn’t know him or her all too well.

Cheerful and friendly, Sora makes friends easily wherever he goes and grows protective of them pretty quickly. This may be because his ability to empathize with almost anyone and his willingness to lend a hand to anyone in need. He is particularly loyal to his two best friends, Riku and Kairi, and holds them as the two people who are the most important to him, going as far as to forgive Riku for succumbing to the darkness and fighting Sora on several occasions, so that the three of them could return to the islands together.

While Sora is friendly and grows to trust people fairly easily, he has a strong sense of justice and isn’t by any means unintelligent. While he is fairly gullible in less serious circumstances, he isn’t swayed by the multiple enemies who attempt to lure him to accept the darkness, even if turning to the darkness meant he would find his friends more quickly. He’s persistent on staying on the side of all that is good and light, and doesn’t hesitate in taking on those trying to spread malevolence and darkness through the worlds. Even so, he has a startling capability to forgive people who have wronged him, especially if he feels that they didn’t mean what they were doing or they simply didn’t know better, as he was able to forgive Namine, despite her admitting that she had warped his memory during his journey into Castle Oblivion, and Axel, despite the nobody’s attempts to hurt him and his friends.

Sora also appears childish at times. He holds grudges against those who’ve made a genuine effort to hurt his friends, and is easily riled up. Like Roxas, he acts out when he feels confused and frustrated or when he feels that something is being kept from him. He also has a highly competitive nature, probably due to his rivalry with his best friend, Riku. This childish side is on par with Sora’s reckless nature, often diving into things without thinking things through.

Always on the move and rather restless if he has to stay still for a long time, Sora’s extremely physically active, whether he’s spending time on the islands racing his friends, or fighting heartless in other worlds.
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