theatrical_muse 276; Siblings

Apr 03, 2009 11:39

The gods mentioned in this story are not meant to represent any of the gods that may currently exist in the variety of prompt and roleplaying communities on Livejournal or elsewhere. They are gods inside of Athena's universe only, and their actions and personalities have no relation to, or effect upon, any other characters but Athena.

Family Ties

I don't need to write about my siblings. There are entire libraries filled with stories just about my family. Their names still evoke reaction, two thousand years after our power started to wane. People still write new stories about them, or retell the old ones in new ways.

We are all of us passionate, wild, powerful, brilliant, dangerous, and timeless.

What most people don't know is that we're more than just the archetypes we helped define.

I've seen Ares care for a newborn foal on a farm in the foothills of China. I've seen Aphrodite shun the love of a man for the sake of her sister. I've seen Apollo sacrifice of himself for another. I've seen Artemis crack a smile.

You get the idea.

There's an Olympian family reunion every year on the summer solstice. We talk, we play games, we show off our most recent companions. We catch ourselves up. I try to convince the others to find the power they crave in the lives they now lead, but their ambitions have always been different than mine. They try to convince me that I've "gone native," and that that's pretty much the worst thing a god could do.

All things considered, we're amiable. They're my family, despite the fact that I think they're all crazy. I'm sure they think the same of me.

We're just your average family.


theatrical muse, with: family, fic

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