Simsperiments: Generations - October 2010 Founder Collection Edition

Oct 17, 2010 14:01

Simsperiments: Generations - October 2010 Founder Collection Edition

madame_ugly & laridian co-conspired a request and suggestion for a breeding challenge using only sims from pixel_trade 's October 2010 Founder Collection. Excited by the thought, I thought I'd get the ball rolling with the first foray into a batch of genetic experiments.

Normally with simsperiments, you pick a womb, and then that womb incubates offspring from three different also preset donors and then everyone participating uses those same four sims to illustrate diversity and yet similarity within sim families.

This time around, its a little bit of a 'legacy in fast foward' - though everyone has the same pool of sims to select from, but they choose the order and how many generations they want to persue. Though a caveat exists of a minimum of six generations (including the 'founders' generation) must be followed - with a maximum of twenty five as that's the entireity of the pool!

One child per generation, though there's no penalizations for multiple births - just keep going till you've reached at least six generations or you've no more sims to choose from.

Alrighty! Lets get this genetic show on the road :D

pinkposeysims Oberon Dragos, finds himself the patriarch of my edition of pixel_trade Simsperiments: GENERATIONS.

To whom I (and they, as it happened) decided to pair with rocking_kitty 's Orpha Volcano, as our excitable matriarch.

I say they as this pair struck up a flirtation and then full blown love fest while just standing about on the lot, before the first child had even been born. Though post-birth, Orpha decided her child's genetic partner was actually the way to go. Ah, simlove. So fickle.

And we're off!

Oberon and Orpha produced Puff Dragos-Volcano, who is MUCH cuter than I'd ever expected. Though I'm sure part of that is that I'm won over by his sticky-out elf ears.

Excited by the prospect of future generations, I paired Puff with lil_pixiedevil's GORGEOUS Collette.

Which resulted in Moss Dragos-Volcano, who's forehead I wasn't expecting but figured would surely evened out in a resulting union.

Who I decided should be rhiannon_alexis 's Melodee Bethay. She's just SO darn pretty - and her forehead is very much not crazy, so how could we go wrong, right? :D

Apparently, Gingham Bethay Dragos-Volcano heard me from the sim!womb and insisted I be very VERY wrong. Though you can see where Melodee's features have influenced his, that neanderthal forehead is sticking to its guns - and my sims' skulls. O_O;;

PS: I LOVE that those eyes of Oberon's skipped two generations and showed up here!

For the role of Gingham's lovely wife, he chose Marigold Tobre (jens_sims).

(I'm not kidding, he'd been crushing on her on the lot since toddlerhood. Which is a bit disturbing, yes, but hey, this is sims! xD Besides, by the end of this all I could hear was near-constant chiming of YAY I'M IN LOVE from everyone on the lot falling in love with EVERYONE else. I have no idea how that worked since I don't have jealousy off or anything, yet it was just one great big commune of communal love. O_O;; )

Gingham & Marigold's union resulted in Star Tobre Dragos-Volcano. Who, I have to say, kind of TERRIFIED ME as a toddler, delighted me with possibility as a child and then again as a teen, and then re-terrified me as an adult. DAMN YOU FOREHEAD!

As this was my last round - sickness and time constraints were preventing me from re-filling this lot with more sims to keep going - this picture of happiness was my last best hope for peace forehead-sanity. Her name? Olivia October (sounseelie), her mission, should she be forced to accept it, produce a child that doesn't make me scream into the night...

World!? Meet Ridges October Dragos-Volcano! Insectoid as a toddler, reminiscent of a Grey in childhood, saccharinely sweet as a toddler, and TRIUMPHANT as an adult.

He's definitely alien looking, but considering his heritage, I'm VERY happy with that.

Download Ridges / Download without CC

And finally, a generational comparison, for a 'who got what from whom': left and right are the parents, resulting child in the centre of each row.


If anyone wants any of the other kids, let me know and I'll extract them? :D

Also... I have to admit I cheated a little bit - it took FOUR kids to get Ridges, everyone else had SUPER BROW OF DOOM. But I figured since this was the 'example' round, I'd omit them for readibility and sample's sake. Poor Pavillion, Chevron and Seafoam. Never to be seen by any other than myself... xD

OH! And as you may have noticed, I named all the kids after differnent knitting stitches, since I'm learning more advanced knitting techniques atm and I'd forgotten to pick a naming scheme before I started and was suddenly stunned when faced with the reality of Puff's "ENTER NAME HERE RIGHT NOW!" dialog. xD

challenges: pixel_trade, download, download: sims, challenges: simsperiments

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