WELCOME TO THE GREAT UPDATE TRADE OF 2008. I, Rachel, am writing this update of the Kohler-Wielles and the awesomesauce Nett is writing my update of the Forests! Awesome, y/n?
CAUTION: Nekkid peoples. The letting loose of my inner evil.
Need to catch up?
Kohler-Wielle Archive Nothing like streaking in front of your twin brother to start off the college experience, right? ANYWAY. These people are Risso and Valencia. They were Craven's first batch of kids, just in case you need a refresher. XD Oh, and they were Marylena's kidlets, an age and age ago.
Kaylynn. You are standing next to an INCREDIBLY HOT piece of orange manmeat. SHOW A LITTLE MORE ENTHUSIASM PLZ.
Am I right in assuming that we do NOT want to know what you just did in that elevator, Mr. Streaker?
OH. There are Kaylynn and Risso in the background. I guess I was wrong, and she was just playin' it cool in the last picture. XD
Now THAT is a romantic setting. *sighs dreamily*
The man? Not so much. Risso, drugs before sex does not lead to good tiems.
0_o Valencia seems to spend a LOT of her life nekkid.
She is using you, Keely! Just because she calls you up nekkid to write her term paper does not mean you're going to get anything out of it. Sry, baby.
Risso and Kaylynn? Still going for it. Let's hope they don't break the appliances, mkay?
Valencia. Is. Still. Naked. 0_0
Valencia: What do you mean, do you have clothes on? WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?
They CLEARLY inherited their mother's brains. *headdesk*
Dormie named Jemima: E gads, they're stupid.
Remember term-paper-writing-Keely? Well, here is the back of his head!
VERY attractive. If you aren't careful, you'll wake up to a bug in your mouth. No, I have not been breathing through my mouth when I'm sick only to be woken up by a moth exploring the "big dark cave". *shifty eyes*
Some weird girl is in your bed, so you are planning to sleep with Valencia, eh, Risso? Just as long as there is no cuddling. *glares*
So, being told off by your zombie step-mom. Best way to start the day, y/n?
Dear cheerleader who seems to be possessed in all other legacies. Step away from Risso's nether parts. NOW.
And this has got to be one of the most awkward smustle parties I have ever witnessed.
CRICKETS ON A CRACKER. That is disturbing. 0_0
BTW, Jemima had an affair with this girl, Ashley. Lesbians, right?
OH HAI ASHLEY. This wouldn't be awkward at ALL, now would it? /sarcasm.
Random dormie: Um, what's going on here?
Ashley: Nothing, going to class.
Risso and Jemima: *wash away evidence*
Jemima: So, I'm thinking we should do that again.
Ashley: Just don't include Valencia. Twincest is creepy.
Oblivious Valencia: Hmmm...is there too much green in that spice rack?
Elderly cook: *warms bottom on stove*
Falcon of awesome, Scurvy, died. ;_;
RIP Scurvy!
Valencia: TEHE. It is ok. I has a new bird! And he is more orange! ^_^
The death challenge is over! No more dying kthnxbai!
Um, Risso? Blue does not become you, so how about you grab your two girls and hop in the shower?
This is the perfect college study scene. Hey. SHE HAS DONUTS. I'm in college, how come I don't get donuts???*pouts*
Ashley is determined not to let Sinasappel die like Scurvy. Even if Scurvy was interesting and Sinasappel isn't.
Risso's still frozen. Group research may be stimulating, but it is not warming.
Much better. *pats* Also, fires remind him of Jemima?
Jemima's so adorable! I want to squish her. *snuggles*
To make them more attractive to each other, Risso gets buff and Jemima gets glasses! Whoot!
Could this be?
This isn't a weird relationship at all. *backs away slowly*
Valencia is so...tame...in comparison to Risso and his bi/lesbian love triangle.
This? Not so much. CLOTHING, GIRL. Learn to love it.
And college isn't college without an incompetent cook setting fire to something, am I right, or am I right?
*frets* I fear for this dormie.
Yeah, love triangle is still going strong. XD
ORLY? We just might be able to do something about those wants...
Happy now, Risso?
Risso: Yesm! *pets jemima's hair*
Get out of Valencia's bed or I will call up Craven and he will marry you and then you will DIAF. MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH
NO RLY? You've only been asleep in the snow for what? HOURS??
Val does not look like she's having a good night's sleep. :(
Nothing like a beachfront wedding! In the snow...
Risso: Um, mascot? I appreciate the spirit, but I am not a baby any more. I do not need encouragement to do what must be done...WHAT AM I SAYING? DUDE. IT IS MY WEDDING NIGHT. GTFO!!!
Jemima: So, sleeping with your brother is like ... magic.
Valencia: I didn't hear a thing, I'm high, didn't hear a thing...
Hope you enjoyed this half of the Great Update Trade of 2008!