ZOMG RUN FOR THE HILLS, Nett-Sim coming to a computer near you *gasp*

Aug 06, 2008 13:52

Wooo okay XD Not perfect, but she turned out so well that playing with her FREAKS ME OUT! I'm serious, I had her pick up her version of Java and it was one of the most eerie/creepy experiences ever *cracks up*

LOL! True to life, NettSim crawling into bed, since thats where I spend about 90% of my time atm.

Salacious reading material! ZOMGZORZ! SINCLAIR'S PENIS IS HOW BIG?!

I HAVE CREATED FIRE!! *glee* /pyro

Awwwwww, I love you Java, you crazy Jaguar. Come cuddle with me baby ♥

Nett-Sim is packaged with:
Skin: Pooklet Ephemera Blend no.4 geneticized .45
Eyes: Earthly by Enayla
Hair: I have no idea, *flail* all it says on the tooltip is 75. So I'm guessing its Peggy? XD XD
Eyebrows: Zoe Brows5 - Black
Blush: LaPink Blush Set No 002 (the sixth blush in that set)
Eyeshadow: None
Eyeliner: #7 - Shalimar - Bruno@MTS2
Lipstick: Glossed up by Lovebottle
Costume Makeup: None
'Glasses': ByBarcelonista@JustSims2
Clothes: Everyday: FAsummer3_AAS

I HIGHLY recommend installing her using clean installer so you can just grab what you want -- also I've got everything you can have Sims 2 wise for Mac, so even though she's not packaged with anything that depends on having Bon Voyage, if you don't it, for example, you wont be able to just install me.

Things to make your Nett-Sim more like Nett! XD

Age: Twenty Something :D
Astrological Sign: I'm a Gemini/Cancer Cusp (22nd of June baby!) but in CAS sim stats I end up being a Libra 4-8-3-4-6 (I so think there should be more stat pills available in CAS instead of needing to mess with that shit with a hackxor). The online sims personality test gives me 6-9-7-10-8 if you want to make it more correct. ^^
Aspiration: Knowledge/Family with a liberal dash of Popularity. If you've got Freetime for secondary aspiration-fu then feel free to choose which of these three you want for the dual diversity action
Profession: Something artistic; I'm a Web Graphic Designer/Creative Director in real life. Have serious interest in fashion design etc as well (only reason i didn't go down that path was because one of these things was more likely to feed me long term XD), so if you want me to sit at home and sew clothes forever for the cash that sounds pretty goddamn awesome to me

Turn Ons: Fitness, Formal Wear, Vampirism, Hard Worker, Logical, Charismatic, Great Cook, Mechanical, Creative, Good at Cleaning
Turn Offs: Stink, Unemployed, Zombiism (though I LOVE ME some zombies, I don't paticularly want one macking on me XD), Lycanthropy (lol same with werewolves)

Extra thingamies for a well-rounded nett-sim:
I own an ENORMOUS male bombay cross (crossed with a man in cat-form and a dog, i swear to god XD), aka the Jaguar. It'd be super nice if your Nett-Sim had one of them too. He likes boobs, sleeping and sleeping on boobs. :D

I'm packaged fat, because I am not skinnies. XD Most people said 'OH MY GOD SHE NEEDS MORE BOOBS AND MORE BOOTY!' when they saw my trial selfsims... XD Feel free to fitten me up though, because I'm supposed to be doing that due to health reasons. LAWL.

I have a hell of a lot of hair sprouting from ma brains. A HELL OF A LOT. Its also longer than I think it is, like nearly down to my butt again, and layered out the wazoo. I'm planning on cutting it though, but it'll still look like a HELL of a lot of hair. XD I often wear it up in messy messy buns with 38482343248 hair accessories/pins.

I don't do yellow.

I don't do shorts.

I don't do t-shirts.

Favourite colours include green, teal, mint, pink, RED, purple & chocolate brown.

I enjoy clutter. Stuff is awesome. If you look at rooms that my self-sim inhabits and think "Hey, that's pretty cluttered" its probably still not cluttered enough. XD

I'm interested in pretty much everything except money for money's sake, and sports.

Download Nett's self sim.

If you clickit the linkie, please remember to comment! I like to know what exotic locales I be heading off to.

Oh, and...
Just remember: Its ME. You've been warned. XD

download: sims

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