Mega List update...

Jul 06, 2010 20:38

Just a heads up, I edited the TS2 list of Mega Challenges to include some more elephant options for the "The Elephant in the Room" challenge. ^^ I've also edited a few spelling errors here and there in both (though I'm sure there's some I've still missed ( Read more... )

challenges: mega list

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Comments 14

eleme July 6 2010, 16:30:28 UTC
o_O those elephants are cool, I wish I'd had those links a week ago >.> Blacky's Elephantherde look a little more "desert-y" ... OH WELL!!

I've rolled both "fish are friends not food" and "bruce bruce bruce" twice - not so bad I guess, but it's resulted in two different dogs and two sims all named bruce (and three of those at the same time @_@).

Now I'm curious which four you keep rolling =O!


bondchick_nett July 7 2010, 06:54:47 UTC
SORRY! I know there's several people that have gotten it already, but engram_au only just brought my attention to the fact that they existed last night. ^_^;; I'd seen them before, but had kind of glossed over them and when I relooked I was like DUDE Need to add those to the list!

I keep rolling like, the paint the town red one, several times in a row. And if I go "Hrmmm, I'll just reroll that since I just had it" I'll get it AGAIN. THREE. TIMES.

The other day I was bitching about it to jenji_sims and she said "FINE. I WILL ROLL FOR YOU, HERE, HAVE THESE NUMBERS. WHAT IS IT!?" And it was THE SAME ONE I HAD ALREADY ROLLED FOUR TIMES IN A ROW!



eleme July 7 2010, 19:46:03 UTC

maybe if you keep re-rolling it then you could do *~shades*~ of red??? Or pretend you read it wrong and you thought it said paint the town yellow?! ^.^ *innocent*

but anyways, thanks for the heads up on links :) Even if I didn't have them before, I'm glad to have them now.


pixelcurious July 6 2010, 18:02:12 UTC
Thanks for doing that! I haven't rolled the elephant challenge, but I was feeling very apprehensive about the animations for the original elephants, if I DO roll that one. That just sounds like the kind of thing my game would choke on. ^_^


bondchick_nett July 7 2010, 06:55:57 UTC
LOL! Like I said on the rules, if you roll something that's not applicable to you, just roll again :D So I think had you rolled it before and was scared about what that particular piece of CC would do, then I would've just re-rolled. ^^

BUT NOW YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE, MUHAHAHAHAHAAA! ;) Plus the textures on the other two are so much nicer :D


pixelcurious July 7 2010, 11:20:16 UTC
I had found some big, non-animated dinosaurs or something, which I was going to use instead. But now it's pink elephants all the way! xD


eleme July 7 2010, 19:48:56 UTC
for serious, the animations are really cute and all, and my computer didn't choke up or anything, but I could have about choked my sims because THAT IS ALL THEY WANTED TO DO~! I would wonder where someone was and then I would find them just standing there making the elephants move their trunks back and forth. ALL. WEEK. LONG. O_O

i'm so glad elephants is over.


eien_herrison July 6 2010, 22:49:10 UTC
Hmm, so far I've rolled Grilled Cheese is Awesome, The Angelina Challenge, The Quiet Family, Repo!, The DIY challenge, She's Simply Irresistable, Moochers, Healthy Food is for Hippies, and Beware, The Stuff!

For me, my challenges are rolling towards the less challenging ones (the Angelina challenge came after my sims were zombified and had two kids; I hardly ever use service sims so the DIY challenge was done by default; Moochers was a dud because I didn't get the household under 8 sims until the time I'd roll the next challenge). So yeah, it's rigged XP


bondchick_nett July 7 2010, 07:08:47 UTC
LOL In lots of those cases though, I would've rolled again, as per the "if its not applicable to you" rule. So if you already had 8 sims in the house, then you can't do it, so roll again, etc. :D


eien_herrison July 7 2010, 10:14:22 UTC
...And I completely missed that there was a roll again option. Oops.


bondchick_nett July 7 2010, 10:17:03 UTC
I've been noticing people doing that, which constantly perplexes me as there's only three rules *dies*


eefje00704 July 7 2010, 09:17:11 UTC

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