Its a big scary world, Katie Mosher. Mosher Round Robin Legacy

May 15, 2010 03:38

87 images, sex scenes, adult themes, potential double entendre
fantasy concepts, and me PRATTLING ON..! xD

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It's a big scary world, Katie Mosher, are you prepared..?

This is Katie Mosher.

Katie, having successfully made the journey from foetus to fully-grown woman in regards to the physical, realised that she did not know herself, or who she was as a person.

And, thus decided to find a way to make this crucial discovery.

Though she never considered that finding herself would involve so much sausage.

She took what little money she had, and travelled the world, doing odd jobs here and there, and taking seasonal work where she could find it.

She found she made friends very easily,

and realised she was a very hard worker. (As apparently is her hollywood tape)

ANd though sometimes her opinions got the better of her, she realised that she was at least someone WITH strong opinions. And that she was not afraid to stand up for them.

She loved staying places that would give her room and board in barter for her labours in the great outdoors. The fresh air and the smell of hard work filling her with contentment.

Not to mention when her hard work paid off in wholesome, belly filling rewards.

Though she was often less than impressed with some of the less organic methods, she took on those tasks with the same aplomb as the more welcome chores.

And her labour was never in vain.

Though some aspects of the natural world, she conceded was definitely not appealing.

She nevertheless had to commend their persistant tenacity.

And then one day, an unfamiliar sensation took hold of her.

She took this as a sign...

That her nomadic search was over. She had FOUND her real self.

So she strode out into the world, a confident young flower, and seeked to put down real roots and find herself a home.

And the world at large embraced her.

She bought some land, and made it thrive, indulging her passions at every opportunity. Not the least of which was forming an aquaintence with a like-minded soul named Ms Zarubin. Though to Katie, she was always Tiffany.

From Tiffany she learnt a lot, and they shared their experiences and horticultural expertise.

Her first spring rolled around faster than she'd imagined, fertility was rife in the air and suddenly, she found that she'd become a mother.

To a little sprout named Arness,*

(Ideal Plantsim by stakeit_uk)

Another by the name of Griffith*,

(Ideal Plantsim (Gulliver Bromley) by sixamsims, converted to a replacement by chiho924)

A tiny flower she dubbed,Wynter*,

(Ideal Plantsim from an as-yet unreleased set that I harrassed brilliantcat to make xD)

And a fourth and final sprout, Peace*.

(Ideal Plantsim from the same as-yet unreleased set by brilliantcat)

Though some of her buds shed their leaves early, a portent of things to come,

They were all, happy, healthy and thriving little shrubs. And they quickly got into every facet of her rich homeland like adorably welcome weeds.

Life was idyllic and good.

Though a few surprises now and then kept it interesting.

Katie still remembered her human roots, however.

And made sure to tick off any important human milestones.

Tiffany was always VERY keen to oblige her, and explosively helped keep the human part of her grounded.

Which helped her, and her seeds, blossom and bloom.

Her little pips had germinated into, bright, healthy little beans.

And they were so full of love for each other and everything in their Elysian little world.

And then, one night, when everyone had settled into the bliss of thriving and adventuring, another change affected their lives. Arness was the first to shoot up in a mushroom of lush vegetable matter.

Then Griffith.


And finally little Peace.

It took everyone a little time to adjust, finding a new way to flourish in the same space they'd grown into while young.

But they found their feet in the end.

And the idyllic serenity prevailed.

But all good things must come to an end.

And the time had come for the children to expand and grow even more, beyond the boundaries of little greenhouse of their youth.

To their own new phase of life..!


Arness Mosher
Turn Ons: Grey Hair, Charismatic
Turn Off: Red Hair
LTW: Have 50 Dream Dates

Cooking: 1
Mechanical: 7
Logic: 1
Creativity: 2
Cleaning: 1

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Griffith Mosher
Turn Ons: Brown Hair, Artistic
Turn Off: Red Hair
LTW: Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens

Cooking: 1
Mechanical: 10
Logic: 1
Creativity: 1
Cleaning: 2

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Wynter Mosher
Turn Ons: Costume Makeup, Great Cook
Turn Off: Custom Hair
LTW: Earn $100,000

Cooking: 1
Mechanical: 10
Logic: 1
Creativity: 1
Cleaning: 1

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Peace Mosher
Turn Ons: Stink, Jewellery
Turn Off: Glasses
LTW: Have 50 Dream Dates

Cooking: 1
Mechanical: 9
Charisma: 1
Logic: 1
Cleaning: 1

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* The naming scheme for this round was actors from cult vintage horror films featuring plants! YEAH! :D Arness was named for James Arness, the actor under all the zuccinis as 'The Thing' from The Thing from Another World. Griffith after Charles B. Griffith, the voice of Audrey Junior in the 50s version of The Little Shop of Horrors. Wynter's namesake was Dana Wynter, aka Becky Driscoll from Invasion of the Body Snatchers ("THEY'RE HERE, ALREADY! YOU'RE NEXT!"). And finally, little Peace, after J. Stephen Peace who played Lt. Wilbur Finletter (though he's credited as Rock Peace, HARD CORE! Or really REALLY hippy, I'm not sure which xD) in Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! which hilariously, Hollywood is remaking next year. BWAHHAHAHA! xD

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