Still From October, Baby! Coolsims Hair 53, Alpha Edited & Pookleted
This hair has
Pooklet's textures,
mesh is credited and included (*innocentinnocent*), re-alpha-ed, binned, family'd, compressorized and grey linked to black.
Original Mesh by
Anto @ CoolsimsBodyshop Previews:
Naturals (four)
I have no idea why I only did four naturals and that's it... Confuses me no end since
brilliantcat has a standing request that I at least do the full Pooklet compliment of naturals. No Customs as yet but if they're requested I'll attempt to fill that request in a MUCH more timely manner than those of the Zanki Female Hair I did earlier in '09. There's a good reason for those not being released yet though: THEY'RE FREAKEN CURSED!!!! *will explain whenever it is that I can FINALLY actually release them*
Available for all ages.
In-Game Models by
lemon_lime35Black Hair:
Shana Gilespie
Brown Hair: Jenji's Selfsim (unpublished/unavailable)
Blonde Hair:
Red Hair:
Lori Scott Download Naturals