Kids for Diversity: Download my examples and their kids

Jul 09, 2009 15:39

The two sims I made for the Sim Kids for Great Justice/Diversity (now mostly known as Kids for Diversity) challenge over at pixel_trade, + their two experimental kids available here for download. I HIGHLY recommend you go check out the original challenge post, though, and try it for yourself! Its STUPIDLY addictive and totally fun! :D :D

Download Sondra & Dirk:

Download Sondra Chevonne, she will appear as she does in my secondary BodyShop preview, with your defaults. I didn't include the stats I had for her in-game in the original post, BUT I thought I'd include theme here just in case someone felt like using them xD

She's Family, with the starsign of Gemini 4-7-8-3-3. Obviously though you don't need to keep her thusly in your game, its just a suggestion. ^_^

Download Dirk Hermenegildo, he comes CC-less looking like he does in my Bodyshop previews - though I think you'll see him wearing a Green Maxis shirt IIRC. ^_^;; My default S4 is really light so he'll appear much darker in your game (unless your default's lighter or the same as mine xD).

Also, just like Sondra, I didn't include Dirk's in-game stats in the original post, so if you'd like to use them (and there's no hard and fast rule that you should xD) then he's a Fortune Sim, with the starsign of Virgo, and stats of 9-2-6-3-5.

Download Arya and Gwendoline:

Woot okay, this is how Arya is packaged, I think she's s3, with light blue eyes but she MAY come packaged with custom eyes I'm not 100%. She also comes packaged with that custom hair but that's the ONLY custom stuff she comes packaged with.

Download Arya Chevonne-Hermenegildo

This is how Gwendoline is packaged, I believe she's S2, with light blue eyes but, as with Arya, she MAY have custom eyes included I'm not 100% She too comes with the hair she's packaged with -- though I SERIOUSLY recommend you give her some hair that doesn't make her look so drag-queenie. xD xD

Download Gwendoline Chevonne-Hermenegildo


download, download: sims

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