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javabean_dreams April 22 2009, 19:17:50 UTC
That's like me deciding it'd be awesome to go swimming in vats of chicken soup every morning.
Wait, that's not normal? >_> What do other people shower with?

pedo-bear smirking features
IKR??? The evil snowman is totally enjoying Bisjop patting his behind.

MIRIAM SMELLS LIKE FREESIA. OBVS. Maxis just didn't bother finding out what freesia looked like first, but really, are we surprised? No. Its totes freesia.

And now we travel back in time one HUNDRED years, as we witness baykinz out for a peaceful stroll in the country. But hark! A Vagrant! What is this? Tis a most troublesome and worryous of precipitous precipitations. Snow, what poppycock is this? What foul cretinous weather to accost us whilst we are embarking upon such an invigorating and health-concious endevour. Bloody inconvenient, what?
Reading that caption and understanding it all made me feel very smart. BIG WORDS ARE BIG.

Fish on Bishop's Swimsuit: *bes completely drunk*

SEE. TOTES FREESIA. Only way all those vamps would get that excited about the prospect of being ACTUAL vegetarians and eating Miriam.

AND WHAT IS A RICK-ROLL. IT HAS NEVER BEEN SPLAINED TO ME. I asked someone else one and they linked me to something on youtube. Buttfaces. Like I can actually load anything on youtube... *mumbles obscenities*


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