Currently, I am attempting to remember the Wesleyan fight song, but it has escaped me. The end goes, "GO WES!," but I am 76% sure the rest of it is lame so it doesn't matter if I know it. Ok, nevermind, I give up.
That is now on Stephen's desktop and Toni, Lauren, and I printed out three copies to put on each of the bathroom doors in my hall. Some sophomore named Dmitri who does, in fact, have the coolest room in Butt B, went to go find a female equivalent, but all we found were nasty pictures involving body paint, a shark, and some girl's... nether regions. Yeah. Self explanatory. It's ok, though, because we got to listen to "Return of the Mac" in the process.
I AM NO LONGER A JOBLESS WONDER! Yesterday, I interviewed with the shelving guy at our mondo awesome library and now... I get to shelve 10-12 hours a week! Woo! I know shelving is like one of .5 library jobs where you can't just sit at a desk and do your homework, but it's cool because I really needed SOME sort of work study job. Greg is a library employee at GW, too! Maybe there's just something about us that screams, "lots-of-books-in-one-spot." Dunno. Possibly. Yes.
My first Wesleyan party (if you could even call it that) was the Queer Frosh Ice Cream Social the other night. Well, it was more like Ice Cream and Fake-Jack-Daniels-Whiskey Social, but hey. Details, schmetails. At first, I was a little apprehensive that someone might beat me with a stick for eating their ice cream and being straight, but I don't think anyone cared. Twas fun. If you happen to have a Queer Frosh Ice Cream and Fake Jack Daniels Whiskey social near you any time soon, I highly recommend it.
Ok, I need to be at class soon. Well, ok, I need to leave soon if I want to get an iced mocha before class so I don't fall asleep in the middle of Three Great Myths, also known as the coolest CCIV class ever.