Porco Rosso!

Sep 07, 2005 14:10

Last night/This morning, at work, Zoe and I were heroes dispensing justice throughout the coffee shop. It was incredibly ultra mega awesome fantastic until 2 things happened. The morning crew came in and Nick made me remove all of my get-up 'cept my power bracers (Iced Venti cups) and... I lost interest.
It was totally teh awesome while it lasted though!!

I just got done watching Porco Rosso. One of Miyazaki's motherfuckin' awesome movies (because he has bad ones?). I'm gonna to watch Nausicaa next, then I'll move on to his others.

I've decided that Studio Ghibli sucks big time. Not because they suck because anyone who thinks that is clearly incapable of thinking properly. ... They suck because I hate them. Everything they show me is just showing off. Like these ridiculous rolling backgrounds with a plane flying over some land and every bit of is animated and holy shit I hate it so much.


work, miyazaki

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