I'm officially 80% done with Mercenaries. I only have 3 levels with Hunk (everything 'cept Castle) and the Military Compound with Leon. Getting to where I am has been intense, to say the least.
I went to get my oil changed and pick up some some CDs of developed film from WalMart but... Nooo... Apparently if I don't do the 1 hour service it takes 3 days. That, somehow, doesn't make any sense to me. I guess I'm the idiot. Speaking of film... I am loving the F3. I'm real anxious to see how the shots I took come out. I think I've gotten better at avoiding
backfocusing. I wish I had time (or money) to take the F3 out to the desert or somewhere cool. I wish I was a (shitty) photographer back when we went chasing
Rita. Central Texas doesn't have shit for scenery and everyone damn knows it. Once I get a 35mm from
Chris (I think) I'm gonna go try and find some wide(r) views of San Marcos that are worth a damn. Maybe go back to the campus and retake some of
the shots I took with the Olympus waybackwhen.
I joined some
groups on
Flickr to try and get some more syndication and favorites (yeah... I'm that guy) but it hasn't rendered the results I was hoping for. I guess time will tell?
I'm fucking excited about the Wii. My
del.icio.us clearly reflects that. That being said, I'm also excited about
Elite Beat Agents. I'm not normally a fan of DDRs and the like. Except Guitar Hero. I totally suck at GH but I love playing it when noone's watching. Wait... back to Elite Beat. I played the demo and it was fun as shit. I'm excited about spending more time doing that and maybe giving Mercenaries some time to think about what it's done. Oh shit.
FFIII comes out on DS in a week. I BEING A GAMER AT CHRISTMAS!!!
Oh and one more thing. About the Wii. A coworker at Gamestop told me wii were getting Wiistations today. Wii didn't. I went up there and Myles, the manager, was like "Wii might not get one until the Wii comes out." I was pissed. So I traded in Star Fox Command and reserved
Elite Beat Agents. I was gonna bring my camera but forgot it. Now I'm glad I did. I woulda looked super stupid if I had run in there with a camera around my neck looking for something that didn't exist. ...Right? This
one.org commercial I just saw had a guy playing a DS in it. I don't know who he was...