Thu, 17:43: RT @ scavendish: Members of the legislature are not allowed to raise money during the session. Following his expulsion, Justin Jones has act…
Thu, 17:44: RT @ TVietor08: For those keeping score at home... Things that WILL NOT get you expelled from the TN state legislature: - child molestation…
Thu, 17:49: These TN GOP folks are playing checkers and not chess.
Thu, 17:50: RT @ Breaking911: Tenn. State Rep. Gloria Johnson asked why she survived the State House expulsion vote, but her fellow Democratic colleague…
Thu, 18:19: RT @ AlishaGrauso: "Republicans are willing to shoot themselves in the foot if that shot can go through and hit a Black person." - @ ElieNYC…
Thu, 18:32: RT @ jvplive: The Israeli military is bombing Gaza right now. This escalation comes on the heels of Israeli government attacks and incursio…