Jul 12, 2010 01:10
I'm sure I don't have to say, to most of you, at least, that infighting and petty arguments are going to be the ruin of us all and that if you absolutely have to be venting your anger at someone, go out there and find a monster - there are plenty. You're all mature enough not to have to be lectured. Obviously something bad is blowing through this city lately - and these things will keep happening unless we all rally up and do something productive together. So please. Before your next angry post or comment, take a moment and think about the people you care for, here. I'm sure you all have someone you want to see safe. Think of them. And then talk.
But I do think you are on to something, Mr. Inugami, even if there is another direction I'd rather take at it. Quite possibly, I'm being naive here, but trying won't hurt.
I understand that there are some of you out there who couldn't care less what happens to the rest of us. You have your grudges, your own agendas, you dislike peace or the status quo for whatever reason - that is all good and well. We won't change you, and I doubt we'll be able to contain you, in the long run. All right, then: let's talk about other solutions. I refuse to believe that there is any one among you - any of you - who doesn't want something, even if it's only a decent fight. So why don't we both take the easy track at it, and find a way to get you what you want without all this hassle we keep having to go through? Because, believe you me - when neither death, nor time makes any difference, even war gets boring eventually.
setup to epic disappointment,
angels weekend,
rise to every challenge,
virtue means this,
the human heart,
hero of the people