Chapter 12: A slow mending; Ryuubi tends to his duties

May 20, 2010 23:22

[Even on voice feed, it's clear that Ryuubi isn't fully back to himself yet; he sounds tired and dispirited, though certainly better than before. And he's trying, you can hear that too.]

Hello, everyone. Two orders of business today.

As part of the efforts to facilitate greater building of community, Colonel Mustang and I have come up with the notion of writing up a calendar of sorts, making note of various holidays and other special occasions that people around the city celebrate. We could all benefit from sharing in each other's traditions, and no one should be alone on an important day. How about it? I know the calendars on the PCDs are different from some of the ones we keep in our own worlds, but I'm sure we can work out the parallel dates.

On the other matter, I know there are a few agricultural projects being carried out in the city by various residents. I'm not yet certain how much manpower or expertise we have between us, but if you are involved in such a thing, I'd like to talk to you. This is exactly the sort of thing on which we should band together, and the sooner the better.

Thank you, and be safe.

Would you come by the Hanging Gardens sometimes today? There's something I'd like you to see.

my confucian organizational skills, building community, farmboy at heart, stupid sexy hawke, rock on colonel

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