Accidental post: Heart's blood

Apr 29, 2010 16:51

[Koumei's PCD, being Koumei's, does not turn on accidentally; Ryuubi's PCD however has no such qualms, and sputters to life at what is definitely a bad moment.

Ryuubi and Koumei are in the former's bed, very much undressed, still tangled up in sheets and each other. For once, Ryuubi is fast asleep - smiling even in his sleep, utterly content - while the strategist lies awake, studying his lord's face by the soft light of candles. Unaware of the recording, he sits up, draped in the blanket, and reaches out to tenderly slip a hand into Ryuubi's hair. His face is unreadable, but his voice, when he speaks, is a low murmur of deepest sadness.]

And so once more, I surrender to you - flesh and soul, once more, I am yours. Every life anew, I hide, I refuse and reject... and you find me, wake me. Your water, your wings. Across worlds and time, the dragon comes to crouch at the feet of the Son of Heaven.

Is this also fate, my lord? Do I struggle with my fate, or am I fated to struggle?

[He sits immobile for a moment, lost in thought. Then, with endless care not to wake the other man, leans close and kisses the crown of his head.]

Wisdom bows to love. That, too, is as it should be.

event: visitors

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