Sep 12, 2006 13:26
here's the deal:
a few weeks ago i wrote a blog about how i was stressed out about my friendship with merry. i wrote it all out in livejournal and then felt like i had got it off my chest.
merry called later
we talked
everything is fine and we are pretty excited that we could get out of such a major issue so well (i had written that i had no idea why she was mad at me, and i didn't, but when she explained her feelings on what i had said, i understood why she was so hurt). all is well.
but this is where it gets fucked up:
someone read the livejournal entry
then copied it
then created an anonymous myspace profile
then sent the livejournal entry to merry.
these were the words attached to the e-mail: "do not let her deceive you"
which is lame. merry knows about my livejournal account, she had read the entry before we even talked about our problem.
what i don't understand is why someone would feel the need to do that. to purposefully take part in attempting to destroy a friendship. someone put effort into tearing two people apart from each other.
i hope you die and burn in hell fucker.
there is no forgiveness for people who are mean enough to hurt others on purpose.
the thing is, i did not care that merry saw the entry. i knew at some point that she would. she knows about livejournal and reads it frequently. i use this site as a place to talk about more personal things, however, i also know that this is the internet and nothing is secret. i know this, what i write about, i am okay with everyone knowing.
i just wanted to set the record straight for why there might not ever be another entry in here. not because i don't want people to read what is in my heart, but because i see that there are people out there who will go to fucked up measures to hurt others.