May 30, 2005 01:09
Help, Lord, I'm lost at sea! When I started this journey of life, I thought I knew where I was headed, but then a few waves started to rock the boat, and I became frightened. Next, the wind pick up, and my fear turned into confusion. Then the night fell, and my confusion turned into despair. And now, I am lost and need you to help calm the waves in my life and stand beside me until the night turns into day. Help me to find my bearings again, Lord. And when this storm is over gift me with the wisdom to learn from this experience-to go back and make right what was wrong, to not lost hope at the first sign of trouble, and to hang on to you, my anchor, when life gets rough. Amen.
From now on there is going to be a new me. The new me is going to be someone who doesn't care what other people think. My goal is going to make myself happy first. For too long I have been putting everybody's needs and wants before mine. I have been trying to please everyone else but myself. I have been trying to live my life for other people. NO MORE! That is not saying that I don't care about my friends. You know who you are and I do care about you. This doesn't mean that I am not going to be there for you anymore. I am still going to be there at 4 in the morning when you need to cry. All this means is that I am not going to live my life trying to please my parents or family members. I know that my true friends will be there for me not matter what. I know that they will support me even if I fail at something. I know they won't judge me if I fail at something either. Thank you!
Everything is going to fine! I am going to be happy again