Dec 31, 2007 09:10
Mike Huckabee believes you may or may not be born gay (he called it "unnatural" in the past, so you can see through that political double-speak quite clearly); however, he also believes choosing to act on your natural homosexual tendencies is undeniably wrong. In effect, he sees homosexuality as a birth defect that needs behavior modification. Hah.
But I don't think he wouldn't be a good president because he thinks all gay people need therapy. He'd be a bad president because he chooses to lead with his hard-line faith, of which many of this country do not follow (not just non-Christians... all of you guilty Catholics know what I'm talkin' about). When he makes a decision with his faith, he defers it as a humanistic decision, unrelated to his faith. In other words, he lies. Or maybe deludes himself, as many who follow hard-line organized religions do.
His knowledge of and experience with foreign affairs is laughable and at a time when we are going to need a brilliant diplomat to fix the international mess we've gotten ourselves into in the last 6 years, a freshman is the last thing we need. He said on Meet the Press that he would be willing to risk destabilizing Pakistan in order to make the United States a little bit safer. Dude, destabilizing a country and being the cause of that destabilization makes you hated by everyone in that country, and thusly, makes you less safe as a nation. Didn't we already cover this for the last 6 years in Iraq? Jesus Christ. Do we really want to be a country who's known for throwing bombs at countries we start to fear? We already look pretty paranoid to the rest of the world. Pretty soon even our allies may start to think, "what if America starts to fear us next?"
Thank you, Meet the Press. I learn more about the candidates from you than pretty much any other media source.
In other news, I still miss Chlemm.