I'm tired of watching them wind you up to see if you'll run

Nov 29, 2010 06:40

Jeepers. Just look at this steaming pile of partial birth aborted tin foil hat bubblings.

Now i'll preface this by saying i'm not a supporter of Obama or any other USian president for that matter. I'm a radical socialist. And I don't support any increase in TSA stops or patdowns.

But the central premise of this thing, that a Harvard educated president is in the grips of a delusional psychiatric disorder that these brave, independent thinkers have puzzled out on their lunch breaks as ludicrous. The psychoanalyzation of politicians is on shaky ground in the best of times, and Obama's almost comical attempts to not alienate the Right and their constantly treating him like an abused spouse for it directly contradict their diagnosis. Not content to invent fictional disorders for him though, they also add on imaginary political affiliations. Do they really think they can poison the well by pointing out that Obama had Marxist professors. College campuses are absolutely lousy with us Commies. The only place where you won't find at least one Socialist professor is a Bible college, and even then it'd better not be Catholic just to be on the safe side. Chances are a lot of you have been educated by one of us Reds. Get down and lick.

This thing's failures are legion and contain multitudes though, so we'll move right along.

The cracker persecution complex is just sad and deserves no mentions. We're going for comedy not tragedy here.

The swarthy King Abdullah in the racial revenge narrative stands for the despised third world.

Current estimated wealth of Abdulla bin Abdullah: 21$ billion

The fact that Africa was raided for centuries by Arab slave raiders, and the fact that the Quran legitimates abject slavery, has no bearing on Obama's revenge fantasy, because facts don't matter in the world of fantasy.

Here in the real world, we diagnose presidents and know what the Quran says without ever having read it.

The pre-medieval King of Saudi, a generation away from camel-riding tent-dwellers, stands for the Wretched of the Earth.

Let's review here. The house of Saud is at least 540 years old, and has been blue bloods that whole time. They are incredibly wealthy rulers of the most spiritually important country to billions of Muslims. This country has a per capita income of $20,700, 28 public universities, more than 24,000 schools, a modern military that fields Eurofighter brand fighters and bombers and produces 12 types of armored fighting vehicles. Now like all Capitalist countries, Saudi Arabia is class-polarized. But nothing about this country says "pre-medieval".

But due to his race, King Abdullah Bin Abdullah is apparently never more than "a generation away from camel-riding tent-dwellers".

In Asia and Europe, Frantz Fanon's "wretched of the earth" are now beginning to prosper, since they threw out Marxist socialists. India, China, South Korea, and Eastern Europe are doing well. Africa is still suffering from the likes of Mugabe.

Hmm yes, standard of living is fucking AWESOME in Eastern Europe right now. And they've sure got that Mafia problem taken care of.

Noting that India and South Korea were never Communist is probably useless to the blinding, retard-charging-after-a-pack-of-gummy-bears narrative this author's got going so far.

It is the Left's revenge, by exploiting the most vulnerable group they could find: American blacks. American workers are too happy with prosperity. You need a really embittered group of people to empower the Left, and if the members of that group aren't mad enough, you make them madder and madder.

Because Black people are completely incapable of being mad on their own behalves, says this patronizing copout. At this point in the narrative the true master of honky mcgee's woes is kindof getting muddled. Obama? Commies? Commie professors? Psychiatric disorders? Well actually that last one I can kindof buy...

And the narrative reaches its sticky climax with DO WE REALLY WANT THIS WACKO WITH HIS FINGER ON THE BUTTON, which was a cliche when Buddy Holly was alive. At this point the reader is free to look awkwardly at what they just climbed into bed with too and, with considerable relief, mutter something about how this probably happens to every man now and then, turn over, and hope it's no longer there in the morning.


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