(no subject)

Nov 19, 2010 04:37

Christ fucking an orange, Endymion. It's like Dave Simmons thought to himself "You know what Hyperion was missing? James Cameron cliches." So he added messianic children, a lot of chase scenes and the Terminator. Not that The Shrike wasn't skirting dangerously close to there anyway but at least he kept its moral status ambiguous and the whole thing mysterious. Rhadamanth Nemes is just straight up supposed to be a shithead we hate. And Aenea's basically Aang except without the lovable dorkiness. I can't feel malice towards a kid, even a fictional one, but damn does she have 'Future Mary Sue' stamped on her little forehead.

Also the Genji Plan moments where she predicts being Endymion's lover in the future: kinda creepy.

It's a Hyperion Cantos book so I can't hate it. But he's sure setting up the next one to be a wallbanger.

Also read/reread recently: A Song for Arbonne, Utopia Hunters.

On the physical front, slowly regaining strength. Workouts that wouldn't even make me breath hard two months ago now leave me washed over by dizziness. Time for a recuperation montage. Eye of Sauron now just an inch and a half wide at most circle of grey on my calf. Hope that's the last of it.


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