Title: Don't Close the Window...
Part: 1
Pairing(s): Sasuke/Naruto friendship
Rating: U
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any respective partners.
"Have you ever noticed that there is always a dark cloud at the horizon as the sun sets? It is black bordering dark grey and stands like big mountains, like a barrier keeping you from the radiant sun." Naruto gazed at the man across from him with parted lips, attentive ears and inquisitive blue eyes. The peace between the two that had spread since they decided to sit at the window in the evening remained, however the silence was now broken by the hushed speech given.
"A barrier?" A wince was given by the owner at his own voice as it sliced through the air, a husk audible as Naruto struggled to keep his usually loud voice under control.
He received a nod in return but no eye contact as the older of the two gazed out contemplatively from the windowsill they sat at, the reflection of the pinks oranges yellows and blue in his dark eyes.
"Yeah...Separating us from our dreams. It's always there."
Naruto cocked his head slightly, gazing at his teammate, friend, rival...
"You haven't noticed?"
"No; it doesn't separate us from our dreams." A crease, barely visible, appeared between Naruto's brows as Sasuke turned to look at his blonde counterpart.
"Are you sure?"
A silence lapsed over both boys as they shared eye contact, each searching for an answer within the other.
"I got you back. The clouds never stopped me." Naruto finally mumbled, brilliant blue eyes softening slightly, glinting orange in the late evening light.
Sasuke turned back to gaze out at the landscape, only grunting gently in return.
"It's like dragons' smoke, isn't it? The way it curls..." He mused as Naruto became a little agitated from being ignored. That was, after all, his greatest accomplishment in his eyes.
"What's your dream, Sasuke?" Use of the others name was called for as Naruto searched for the reason for his friends' odd behaviour.
"To revive my clan." Sasuke replied in the same tone he always would as if it were drilled into his brain; programmed rather than felt. "Right?" Ah, but there was doubt.
"I don't know; it's your dream." Naruto scoffed and joined his rival in gazing out, the clouds moving subtly in the wind as the sky continued to darken. "Hey, teme..." Naruto received a light glare, if it could be called that anymore, from Sasuke, "How is the cloud stopping you from reviving your clan?"
The silence lapsed again and Naruto could almost feel the strange emotions coming from the man as, from the corner of his eye, he watched him gnaw on a lip, tense his pectoral muscles and furrow his brow.
"It isn't." Was his reply.
Naruto had a feeling that maybe reviving his clan wasn't a dream Sasuke really had anymore as he smiled ever so slightly and patted the Uchiha on the shoulder.
"Bloody idiot." He whispered.
Neither of them noticed as the dark cloud broke slightly and a sliver of dying sunshine shone brightly through.