Ready? Fight!

Dec 09, 2005 18:46

Name (or nickname): Paloma
Birthday: 25-5-87
Sign: Gemini Rabbit
Favorite Foods: Dumplings!
Least Favorite Foods: cheesey pastas
Favorite Color: black and fuchsia
Likes: hamsters, Kyoto, swords, Welsh corgis, Taco Bell, Japanese literarute, Austria, wearing outlandish outfits, messing aorund with make up, rain, gothic lolita, squirrels,collecting moogles, cute underwear, August Strindberg and my super cute boyfriend <3
Dislikes: going to class, getting bad grades, writing papers, stupid questions, bad smells, body mist,
Strengths: emotionally strong when i need to be, ambitious, fierce, serious,
Weaknesses:hopelessly romantic, bitter, belligerant, moody
Hobbies: bellydance, collecting moogles, analyzing films, kiss attacking my boyfriend ;), make up!!!,
Talents: im a really good bellydancer <3
Sports?: I play soccer and rugby. Used to box (regular and kick boxing) and took tae kwon do for a while.
Like school? nooooo *cry* i want to go home and play with my pets :(
Do you consider yourself to be mature, immature, or neither? Explain: neither, because my sense of humor is very immature but i can b stone faced and not crack a smile or laugh when i want to. That and people always say "you're so mature!" when one of the friends whose known me longest says Im just like a bratty little boy
Do you possess strong leadership abilities?: yessss... because im bitchy. I'm abit of a tyrant though.
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group? ALONE
Are you someone who works hard at what you do or do you just go with things as they come? A bit of both. If its something I really care about Ill work hard on it, if not I'm lazy.
Are you or do you consider yourself to be popular?: Im not :P
What things are most important to you?: Love and hamsters <3
Is there someone you admire or idolize? Gackt -_- and Napoleon Bonaparte :P
Are you outgoing, shy, or inbetween? Explain: Im loud when I want to be heard, generally i want ot keep a low profile so i say nothing
Are you femenine or tomboyish (or anywhere in between)? Explain: i go through fluctuations. I'm right now in a super girly phase. I have a humongous collection of purses and shoes as well as stuffed animals, feel naked with out my make up (complete with fake eyelashes) and write dorky little love letters to my boyfriend on my classnotes...Im super obsessed with him.
and i love fluffy things <3 Comes in handy cos people underestimate me.
Describe yourself in 3 few words: morbid and self loathing (four words? wait... does AND count?)
Do you feel you are more pretty or cute?: neither :P I guess my mannerisms are cute because I always make little sounds...

Favorite fighting game? Darkstalkers
Favorite fighting game girl? Morrigan, Whip, Cammy, I-no
Favorite fighting game guy? REMY... hes so cute

Anything else we should know about you:
I apologize for my spelling and grammar mistakes... and im usually not this happy! must be the knee deep snow outside *squeak*


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