Give me a pup of yours. I will tell you:
1) how [insert pup of your choice here]'s opinion of the named character has changed over time, or
2) why [insert pup of your choice here] does or does not get along/like/other with the named pup.
Your options are:
Plourr Estillo (
Riley Poole (
Dennis Doyle (
Hawkeye Pierce (
Maya Antares (
Read more... )
They started off a little funky, because Plourr was like, '--Who is this "Beatriz" and why is my husband talking about her all the time,' and then they met, and the thought was, '...O-kay, Beatriz is hot,' and while she trusts Rial implicitly -- she's a woman of strong passions. She's also a woman who knows how to register threats, and Ajedrez definitely was one. That is to say -- here was a woman who could do much damage, if she wished to, and Plourr had to get to know her before she could say whether or not she would act on her strength and her wits and that danger. Plourr is still (and was even more so, back when they met) very suspicious, when the mood strikes her.
And then they got to know each other, and she started to appreciate Ajedrez for her dangerous qualities rather than keeping her at arm's length because of them; they share an awful lot of those dangerous qualities, and Plourr tends to get along well with other strong women. When they reached the point of hitting and calling each other 'bitch' and nasty-nice petnames and ganging up together against the men of the world, I knew they were friends for life ( this thread. this thread forever). Ajedrez is someone with a sort of similar -- something. She may not be a princess by royalty, but she's a cartel princess; she understands facades and masks and having to act one way but really feeling another way, and she appreciates a good weapon and a better ass-kicking. Plourr likes women like that.
(To be entirely honest, if they'd met before Plourr was married, and Ajedrez had showed the slightest bit of interest -- oh yeah. Bow chicka wow wow!)
I totally miss them. Has Ajedrez met Ianna? She has to meet Ianna!
And I MISS THEM TOO! AJ's just...I want to finish things properly before I bring her IN properly again, and that involves poking someone and...
No! She hasn't! And Plourr has to meet Emiliano. *sage nod. is totally working on AJ-Plourr*
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