
Sep 25, 2006 20:15

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broodychampion September 26 2006, 02:23:34 UTC
Angel stared up at the ceiling, suddenly wishing they made more money. The hotel wasn't in the best shape, and after a few earthquakes, everything was cracked. He knew the building wouldn't cave in on them, but it would still be nice to have ceiling that wasn't cracked. He really wanted it to look nice for Fred.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, Angel grinned and moved over so she could get into the bed also. He returned her kiss and frowned at the bruise on her jaw. "Sorry I didn't get to you in time," he whispered. Removing his hand, he leaned over and placed a soft kiss on the bruise. "If it starts to bother you tonight, I'll run to the corner store and get you more ice, okay?"

Wrapping his arms around her, Angel pulled Fred against him and nuzzled her neck. His Fred. She always smelled so sweet, even after being in the sewers all night with him. He was drawn to her and her scent, and knew he could be blindfolded and still pick her out in a crowded room. He sometimes wondered if she felt the connection too.

With his hand on her stomach, Angel started to lay a small trail of kisses on her neck. His hand slipped down and under the hem of her nightgown so he could touch the soft, warm skin of her thigh. "Not too tired for this, are you?" he asked.


sciencegrl_fred September 26 2006, 02:46:59 UTC
"It's okay," she assured him. When she had decided to stay in Los Angeles, stay with the team and stay with Angel, back after her parents had found her, she had known how dangerous what they did could be. And she accepted that. In the long run, it was worth it, she thought, because they got to help people and stop the bad guys.

And worth it because she got to be with Angel. He had to be the sweetest man in the whole wide world, offering to go the store for her if her jaw started to hurt again. No one else had ever said they would do that for her. Well, no one else except her dad, but he was her dad, and he was supposed to do things like that. It was one of the ways Angel showed her that he loved her.

Closing her eyes, she let Angel pull him against him, letting out a contented sigh when she felt his mouth and nose against her neck. She wasn't sure what it was, but there was just something about the way she felt when they were together. She'd never felt anything like it before. It was a wonderful feeling, especially when he started to kiss and touch her, making her shudder.

"No," she whispered when asked if she wasn't too tired. His touch could be both relaxing and stimulating, and right now, she wanted what they could do together even though they couldn't be together completely. She placed a kiss on his cool skin and smiled. Maybe someday.


broodychampion September 27 2006, 01:05:13 UTC
Angel smiled when Fred told him no. "Good," he whispered as he moved on the bed so he was kneeling beside her. He carefully pulled the nightgown up, being careful not rub the material over her bruised jaw. Once the gown was off, he smiled down at her. "You're beautiful, Fred."

Leaning down, he softly kissed her lips before moving down to her neck. It sometimes amused him how relaxed she seemed with him, a vampire, kissing her neck. But this was Fred, and she saw people, and demons, for what they truly would and she knew he wasn't a monster. She even saw his good side in Pylea.

He could hear her heartbeat pick up, and hear the blood moving through her veins. The smell of her arousal was becoming heavy in the air, and it almost drove him crazy. Angel would control his urges though because he would never allow Angelus to become free and hurt Fred. His Fred.

Moving down, he suckled on one of her nipples until it was erect, then he moved to the other one. While his mouth was busy there, his hand moved down her body and gently nudged her legs apart. He groaned when he felt her heat as he slid a finger over her wet folds before gently pushing his finger inside of her.

He wanted to tell her how someday that would be him. He wanted to promise her they would be together, completely, someday but he couldn't. Angel didn't want to make promises to Fred that might not come true. Hopefully someday he could.

Releasing her nipple, Angel moved between Fred's legs and pushed them apart more. He laid on his stomach and placed her legs over his shoulders. With his tongue moving over her folds, Angel pressed another finger into her, followed by a third. This was the closest he could come to being inside of her. And as he slowly thrust his fingers into her hole, his tongue moved up and started to firmly lick her clit.


sciencegrl_fred September 27 2006, 02:51:39 UTC
Before she had meant Angel, Fred had always been a bit shy about her body. She had always thought herself way too skinny, a matter not helped by her time on Pylea. There were also that fact that she now carried scars across her back, given to her by her "owners". She had been scared about Angel seeing them, even though he had seen her dirty and half-crazy, and the first time they had been intimate, she had almost stopped what they were doing.

But he had accepted her, and the scars as part of her. He had never made her feel ugly for having them. In fact, he made her feel beautiful. He always made her feel beautiful, just like he was doing right now. Moaning softly, she closed her eyes as he kissed her neck again. She trusted Angel like she trusted no one else. Always would.

As he moved down her body, she lost herself to the sensations that were running riot through her. Arching beneath him, she grabbed the edge of the bed as he slid his finger into her.

"Oh God, Angel," she gasped. He knew just how to touch her, just how to make her feel like the only woman in the world. His touch was cool, but it was wonderful and head-spinning.

Soon, she felt herself tightening up, her legs starting to tremble as his fingers and tongue moved faster. She wished it could be him inside her now. She wanted to be with him completely, but she'd take this. She's always take this. No matter what, she'd knew she'd never leave Angel.

"Going to...Angel..." she managed to say before letting out a cry as she came hard around his fingers, her entire body shuddering.


broodychampion September 27 2006, 16:21:47 UTC
Angel knew when Fred was getting close. He'd taken the time to memorize her breathing patterns, the way her body warmed, and the way her heart started to beat right before she climaxed. Her arousal was so strong that he could almost taste her blood as it rushed forth to her genitals as she came around his fingers.

Pulling them out, Angel softly licked her clean. He could feel himself start to stir but he pushed it down. In due time he'd be able to be with her. Angel knew Wes and Giles wouldn't let them down. Licking his lips he moved up her and ran his come-covered fingers over her full lips.

"I like looking at you after you've come," he whispered to her. "You're so beautiful. And adorable, especially when you blush like that." He chuckled a little and gave her a quick kiss before moving over to his side of the bed. He then pulled her against him and kissed the top of her head.

"I was thinking we could do some more training tomorrow with the weapons," Angel said. Wesley, Giles, and him had been training Cordy and Fred how to use some of the weapons they had. If it were up to him, Fred wouldn't go out with them but he would never tell her that. He knew she was incredibly strong, and brave, but he didn't want to lose her. "I don't think Cordy will be there. She pretty much gave up on it when she became a half-demon."


sciencegrl_fred September 28 2006, 01:01:37 UTC
Groaning softly, Fred instinctively licked her lips, tasting herself on them where Angel had rubbed his finger. She felt herself blushing at his words. No one had ever complimented her the way he did, either, and it was wonderful to hear. Sometimes, she wondered what she had done to deserve this. Maybe this was her gift for having gone through what she had gone through on Pylea.

Resting against him when he pulled her to him, she settled her head in the crook of his shoulder and ran her hand over his bare chest. She wished she could pleasure him the way he did her, make him feel the way he did her, but they couldn't. Anyway was too dangerous. She couldn't imagine how he could be so patient, loving her the way he did without any sort of release himself. One day, he had told her before. One day. She was going to find a way to help Wesley and Giles more in their research.

She listened as Angel mentioned doing some more training tomorrow and nodded. "Sounds good." She had learned so much from all of them since they had begun teaching her, things she wished she could have known when she had been in Pylea, but it was good to know it now because she could help Angel in his fights. In fact, some of the skills she had learned had come in handy that night. "I like learning from you, you know. 'Specially when you show me how to swing a sword. And as for Cordy, I don't think it was the half-demon thing...I think it was the Groo thing."

She lifted her head and looked at him. "Cordy has Groo, and Gunn spends most of his time with Anne at her shelter, protecting the kids there. It's sort of really been just you, me, Wesley and Giles the last couple of months. Just the four of us now."


broodychampion September 28 2006, 23:30:54 UTC
Angel chuckled and shook his head. “I think you only like the sword training because I have to stand so close to you during it,” he said before he nuzzled her warm neck. She was always so warm and smelt like Heaven to him. Even when she was covered in demon goo, she still smelled good.

Reaching over with his free hand, Angel turned off the lamp on the bedside table and snuggled closer to Fred. “That’s true. But Cordy and Gunn are happy, so it all works out. All of us are happy…some more than others…” He trailed off, not wanting to bring up the subject of his curse. Not now at least.

“We should get some sleep. Giles said he was coming over in the morning to talk to us about something and you know how crabby he gets when he comes and we’re still in bed,” he said before pulled the cover over them. “Night, Fred.”


sciencegrl_fred September 29 2006, 01:30:16 UTC
Knowing Angel was right, Fred nodded and closed her eyes after he shut off the light. She liked sleeping like this with him, holding on to him, knowing he was there. After being alone for so long, having to sleep by herself in her cave on Pylea, it felt so nice to have him there like this. It reminded her that she was no longer alone and never would be.

"Goodnight, Angel," she murmured. "My Angel..."

It didn't take her long to fall asleep - it never did when she was in Angel's arms. Even without a heartbeat to listen to or the gentle rise and fall of his chest, there was something soothing about him. The nightmares she had had after returning from Pylea had stopped once they had started sharing a bed, too, and while she still occasionally had bad dreams - mainly about demons they had faced or were researching - her dreams were mostly calm and happy now, especially when she dreamt they were somewhere together.

A rather loud noise downstairs woke Fred up the next morning. Opening her eyes, she looked toward the door then over at Angel, sure that he must have heard that. "That Wesley and Rupert? Or do we just have some very loud visitors?" she asked, not really wanting to get up but knowing that they'd have to.


broodychampion September 29 2006, 16:56:42 UTC
Angel had heard the noise too and sat up in bed. He listened carefully and shook his head. “It’s Wes and Giles. I think Wesley tripped over something again,” he said with an unneeded sigh. “So much for sleeping in.” He leaned over and softly kissed Fred on the mouth and smiled. “We should go down there but Wesley breaks something.”

Slipping out of the bed, Angel went over to the closet and picked out some clothes - black jeans and a dark sweatshirt. He smiled a little bit, remembering all the times Cordy tried to get him to buy some colorful clothes. He sort of missed having her around all the time. And he figured Fred did too since she was now the only girl there.

Once he was dressed, he looked over at Fred. “I’ll go down there and see what they want and call over to the dinner to get you something to eat.” He kissed her again and slipped out of the room and went down the stairs. When he got downstairs, he saw Wesley picking up some books.

“Morning, Angel,” Giles said. “I hope we didn’t wake you but after we got back to our flat, we finished some research about the curse on your soul, and where we have to go to possibly lift it.”

“Really?” Angel asked with a small smile. “Fred’ll be down soon and then you can tell the both of us.”


sciencegrl_fred September 30 2006, 02:26:35 UTC
Poor Wesley - he could be a bit clumsy at times. Sighing, Fred released Angel even though she would have liked to have spent some more time in bed with him and sat up, watching while he got dressed. She liked looking at him like this - with all of the nutty things that going on in their lives, quiet moments like this were she could just admire the man she loved were moments she enjoyed.

After Angel had kissed her and left the room, she stretched and reached over the edge of the bed to find her nightgown, which she slipped on. Getting out of bed, she padded over to the door to open it and peek out. Once she sure that all the guys were indeed downstairs, she hurried out and down to her room to get dressed. She loved Wesley and Rupert, but she preferred that Angel be the only one that ever saw her naked. Or half-naked. Or in her nightie.

Once she had gotten dressed in a pair of jeans and a top, she brushed her hair and put it back. When she was finished, she looked at the clock, finally realizing the time. The guys had come really early. It made her wonder what was up, so she hurried downstairs to find the three of them in the office.

"Morning," she greeted, going over to the couch where Angel was sitting and joining him. "You two are here early."

"Yes...well, we had some luck--well, I suppose you could call it luck...in our research last night," Wesley told her. Fred took Angel's arm and squeezed it gently, feeling her heart being to pound a bit at the thought that they might have figured out how to help them. Meanwhile, Wesley looked up at Rupert, who nodded, then he turned back to face them. "It's not going to be easy, though. Based on what we've found out, in order for there to be even a chance for Angel's curse to be lifted, we're going to have to go to Romania. Find the clan that placed the curse in the first place."

"Romania?" Fred asked softly, looking over at Angel.


broodychampion October 1 2006, 05:50:33 UTC
Angel quietly sat and listened to Wes talk. They would have to go back to Romania? Angel rubbed his hand over his face and shook his head before taking Fred's hand into his. "How do we even know they're still there? Giles, when Jenny was looking for a way to put my soul back, she said she didn't even know if they still existed," he said.

"True, but we've done some extensive research on them and some of them are still practicing the old ways," Giles said as he leaned against the front counter and crossed his arms. "I have a source who's going to send up a map with their location on it."

"So, we go there and then what?" Angel asked.

"The clan is well known for placing curses on people's souls. But, they have a system of allowing a person to prove themselves in a trial type thing. Before they'll give you a trial, you have to prove you're good enough for one," Wesley explained.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" Angel asked as he looked over at the two men. "Angelus killed Jenny. They won't ever forgive me for that."


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