Apr 19, 2010 11:56
[Filtered to Friends--and family as in Kuukaku only] [VOICE]
[Ichigo sounds like death warmed over, his voice rasping, but he obviously tries to speak as evenly as he can]
... Yeah, 'course I won't take long, but they're linin' down the damn hall to kick my ass as it is. [pause] Thanks.
[closer to the phone, now] 'Kay, guys, 'm still kickin', so you can all quit with the death threats now. 'Preciate them though. [a sound that would be a hoarse laugh]
'M told I got a few crushed ribs, an' my reiatsu's all wonky, but seems I'll live. So when you show up to yell at me, try to keep it down with the power flares or I might keel over 'gain. Fuck.
[pause, cough, then he goes on] Kuukaku, you tell Pop yet? I, ah, haven't sorta felt up to it. And... is Kensei okay? Renji, get your ass down here so I can give ya what for, you bastard.
An'... Rukia, they tell me you've been here, most of th' time. Got somethin' to say to you, too. Think 'm gonna start seein' funny colours any minute now though, so I'll just...
[a rustle of movement, someone speaking further away, and the recording cuts]
confessions of a dumbass hero,
ichigo is cheesy sometimes,
what is this shit,
a man of his word,
man down,
still the dumbass hero in the sunset