[ooc: In CM parlance, Team Awesome generally is the troupe of six, Renji, Rukia, Ichigo, Ishida, Chad and Orihime. Used both IC and OOC.
Also, goodness, I'm sorry for the spam. ;_;]
[Filtered to Team Awesome Minus Ishida]
Okay, team huddle, go!
Here's the lowdown, guys. As proven by certain recent activity you all saw, we've got a bit of a problem. The problem consists of one of our own-also a stuck-up, humourless killjoy, but that's actually beside the point for once-having a natal-type festivity they're kinda contrary 'bout celebratin'.
This demands action. I respectfully suggest a high-stealth, high-accuracy cakebombing of his house. As in, we find a cake of suitable fanciness and good taste and deliver it personally before the day's done. We're not gonna stick around unless we're wanted. This is strictly search, deliver and return.
Initial reconnaissance suggests 2000 hours to be an ideal time of departure.
Will you rise to the occasion, good sirs and madams? And, uh, when do we all get off shift?