Sep 02, 2006 19:40
So, here's a small recap.
Not that anyone reads this... ever.
Went to Canada with Eric. That was alright. The whole time I just missed Adya though, so in a way it sucked ass. I jumped off a cliff though.
Adya and I are AHHHH MAZING. I've been hanging out with her 24/7. And when I say 24/7, I mean 24/7. We wake up at about 8 am everyday, I pick her up, we nap for a couple hours, then we get breakfast and just hang out all day. Seriously I have thee most fun with her, and it's never boring. I love her so much. So that's been my days pretty much, Adya and I are like two peas in a pod. We're pretty much inseperable.
AND ZOE LOVES HER. MAN. The first thing Zoe says when she walks into the door when she comes over is "Ada? Ada?" Then she goes over to the landing to my basement and screams "AAAADDAAAAA" God it's so cute. She loves her, and she always is giving her hugs. Allll the time.
and the cutest thing I have ever heard Zoe say, she said today. I sat her down for dinner with chicken and yogurt and mac and cheese, and she looks at me and says,"Nobody eat. Ada" As in no one can eat dinner because Adya isn't here. ISN'T THAT FUCKING ADORABLE?!
I'm starting Macomb soon, and I'm attempting to move out of my house into a house closer to Adya and school.
And that's my recap, but incase you didn't want to read any of that, here it is in a nutshell.
cute Zoe
good food
sleeping with Adya
I love her.